Wednesday , October 9 2024
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Higher Education Woes: Student Loans Help Fuel Higher College Costs

In my previous article on the college problem, I discussed the cultural factors that have contributed to the falling value of a university degree, which I hoped would show that we cannot reduce the decline of higher education to public policy failures. However, bad policy has been a major contributor to the problems plaguing the university system, both at the federal and state levels. President Joe Biden’s plan to eliminate up to $20,000 of student loan debt for...

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Ben Bernanke Wins Nobel Prize for Kicking Can Down the Road!

So Ben Bernanke has won a Nobel Prize for kicking a can down the road! Many will have heard the saying ‘those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it’. It is often attributed to Churchill, but he was in fact quoting George Santanya. We prefer the Stephen Hawking quote, ‘“We spend a great deal of time studying history, which, let’s face it, is mostly the history of stupidity.” as this feels more apt in this day and age. Below we outline the Nobel-prize...

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Does Bank Lending by Itself Set Off Boom and Bust Cycles?

Popular thinking says that banks are the key factor in the expansion of credit. However, is this really the case? For example, take a farmer Joe that produces two kilograms of potatoes. For his own consumption, he requires one kilogram, and lends the rest for one year to a farmer Bob. The unconsumed one kilogram of potatoes that he agrees to lend is his savings. The precondition for lending is that there must be savings first, as lending must be backed by savings. By...

Read More » wird russische Crypto-Konten blocken

Die nächste Crypto-Plattform hat sich den internationalen Sanktionen gebeugt und wird russische Nutzer von seinem Dienst ausschließen. Am 27. Oktober tritt die Regelung in Kraft – sie wird dazu führen, dass Konten mit Verbindungen zu Russland blockiert werden. Crypto News: wird russische Crypto-Konten blockenBis zum fälligen Datum können allerdings noch die Mittel in den Konten auf ausgezahlt werden. Diese Option verfällt jedoch nach dem...

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Week Ahead: Focus Shifts away from the US after Robust Jobs Data and Stronger than Expected Inflation

The latest US employment and inflation figures are passed. The market is confident of a 75 bp rate hike next month. While a 50 bp in December is still the odds-on favorite, the market has a slight chance (~15%) of a 100 bp move instead after the robust jobs report and stronger-than-expected September CPI. The implied yield of the December Fed funds futures has ground higher for 12 consecutive sessions to about 4.23%. After two straight quarters of contraction, the...

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Interview with Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski

In today’s world, dominated as it is by the ephemeral, the superficial, and the inconsequential, it can be hard for a rational, dispassionate observer to make sense of what is going on—politically, socially, economically, and philosophically. It is that last aspect that gets the least “oxygen” in mainstream media, in public education, and in pretty much all debates and disagreements we grapple with as a society. Perhaps the very discipline of Philosophy, academically...

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Swiss want more transparency in fight against money laundering

Switzerland has been criticised for turning a blind eye to legal advisors and others who allow wealthy people to hide their money. © Keystone / Gaetan Bally The Swiss government has asked the finance ministry to draft a bill to increase transparency of beneficial owners of legal entities to help tackle financial crime. The bill should introduce a central register for identifying beneficial owners and new obligations when it comes to risks of financial crime, the...

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Die Endzeit individueller Freiheit – ist es soweit?

Schon länger sind Entwicklungen zu beobachten, die eine kaum zu unterschätzende Gefahr für Leben, Freiheit und das Streben nach Glück darstellen, wie etwa eine zunehmende Politisierung aller Lebensbereiche, die Verbreitung kollektivistischer Denkhaltungen oder der Trend zum digitalen gläsernen Menschen. Derzeit erleben wir die Phase, in welcher diese Entwicklungen die nächste Eskalationsstufe erreichen und durch vermehrte Verzahnung untereinander noch gefährlicher...

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What If Everyone’s Wrong (Just Long Enough to Blow Up Their Account)?

Trying to restore a system that is spiraling away from equilibrium with new extremes of obsolete, misguided policies only accelerates the swings from apparent stability to cascading chaos. The conventional view of the market is there are two sides to every trade and one is right and the other is wrong.The punters who correctly read the tea leaves and who were right scored gains on their trade and those punters whose forecast was wrong lost their bet. But what if...

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As dollar woes get worse, why don’t the Fed’s swap lines work? Let’s answer that question.

China, India, emerging markets. Suddenly the UK, but everyone incorrectly presumes the pound's problems start in London. Well, they do, all of it does. That means global dollars, eurodollars, behind all these outbreaks. But didn't the Fed fix that with some kind of swaps? You're supposed to believe this even though it was never true. Consistent failure all around and today we'll explore why. Eurodollar University's Money & Macro Analysis Twitter:

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