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BMW must pay multimillion-franc fine, Swiss court rules

The case against the Munich-based luxury car manufacturer was first sparked by a customer complaint in 2010. (Keystone) - Click to enlarge Switzerland’s highest court has confirmed a CHF157 million ($158 million) fine against German luxury carmaker BMW for blocking car shipments to Switzerland. The fine was originally levied on BMWexternal link by Switzerland’s Competition Commissionexternal link (COMCO)...

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Prepare For Interest Rate Rises And Global Debt Bubble Collapse

– Diversify, rebalance investments and prepare for interest rate rises – UK launches inquiry into household finances as £200bn debt pile looms – Centuries of data forewarn of rapid reversal from ultra low interest rates – 700-year average real interest rate is 4.78% (must see chart) – Massive global debt bubble – over $217 trillion (see table) – Global debt levels are building up to a gigantic tidal wave – Move to safe...

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The Downright Sinister Rearrangement of Riches

Simple Classifications Let’s begin with facts.  Cold hard unadorned facts. Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit at standard atmospheric pressure.  Squaring the circle using a compass and straightedge is impossible.  The sun is a star. The sun is not just a star, it is a benevolent star. Look, it is smiling… sort of. - Click to enlarge Facts, of course, must not be confused with opinions, which are based upon...

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Maybe Hong Kong Matters To Someone In Particular

Hong Kong stock trading opened deep in the red last night, the Hang Seng share index falling by as much as 1.6% before rallying. We’ve seen this behavior before, notably in 2015 and early 2016. Hong Kong is supposed to be an island of stability amidst stalwart attempts near the city to mimic its results if not its methods. Thus, most kinds of turmoil are noticeable. Most. My own brief survey of this morning’s news from...

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La politique monétaire de la BNS rejaillit sur le système bancaire suisse. Le cas de la BCV.

Les « opérations de refinancement » de la BNS peuvent-elles exposer l’ensemble du système bancaire suisse aux aléas de la finance spéculative européenne ? Les too-big-to-fail sont-elles les seules concernées ? Eh bien non. Certaines déclarations du directeur de la Banque cantonale vaudoise (BCV*) nous ont incité à nous pencher sur les comptes de cet établissement de taille moyenne. Dans une interview accordée au Temps...

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Switzerland moves closer to female board quotas

© Cecilia Lim | Dreamstime - Click to enlarge This week, Switzerland moved closer to requiring minimum percentages of women on company boards and management teams. A parliamentary commission came out in support of the Federal Council’s plan to require greater gender balance in the boardrooms of Switzerland’s large listed companies. A commission majority (14 versus 11) would like to see a minimum of 30% of board members...

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OECD Country Report 2017 on Swiss economic policy

On Tuesday, November 14, 2017, the OECD presents the OECD Country Report 2017 on Swiss economic policy at a media conference. This takes place at 15.00 clock in the media center Bundeshaus, Bundesgasse 8-12, 3003 Bern.The report, in French and English, will be delivered on request by the OECD ([email protected]) the day before from 3pm on CEREMONY 14 November 2017 at 15.00. The Speakers: State Secretary...

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Platinum Bullion ‘May Be One Of The Only Cheap Assets Out There’

Platinum Bullion ‘May Be One Of The Only Cheap Assets Out There’ Platinum “may be one of the cheap assets out there” and “is cheap when compared with stocks or bonds” according to Dominic Frisby writing in the UK’s best selling financial publication Money Week. Frisby writing in Money Week laments the total absence of value in today’s markets. He then identifies an asset that is both cheap (on a relative basis) and is...

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