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Great Graphic: Euro Approaching Key Test

Summary: Euro is testing trendline and retracement objective and 100-day moving average. Technical indicators on daily bar charts warn of upside risk. Two-year rate differentials make it expensive to be long euros vs. US. Beware of small samples that may exaggerate seasonality. This Great Graphic, created on Bloomberg, shows that the euro is approaching key area.  The white trendline drawn off the September 8,...

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Swiss still richest, according to Credit Suisse

© Wrangel | Dreamstime - Click to enlarge The Credit Suisse 2017 Global Wealth Report, shows total global wealth rose 6.4% to USD 280 trillion in 2016, taking it to the its highest level since 2007, before the financial meltdown in 2008. Globally, average wealth per adult was USD 56,540. In Switzerland, the same figure was USD 537,600 (CHF 533,000), close to ten times the global average, placing Switzerland in the...

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Swiss Government stays mum on EU Negotiations Strategy

The Swiss are getting ready to negotiate with the EU when European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker visits next week (Keystone) The seven-member Federal Council has refused to reveal its position on future negotiations with the European Union over CHF1 billion (little over $1 billion) in voluntary ‘cohesion’ payments destined for central and eastern European countries. On Wednesday, the government discussed its...

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Can’t Hide From The CPI

On the vital matter of missing symmetry, consumer price indices across the world keep suggesting there remains none. Recoveries were called “V” shaped for a reason. Any economy knocked down would be as intense in getting back up, normal cyclical forces creating momentum for that to (only) happen. In the context of the past three years, symmetry is still nowhere to be found. It’s confounding even central bankers who up...

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Retail Sales (US) Are Exhibit #1

In January 2016, everything came to a head. The oil price crash (2nd time), currency chaos, global turmoil, and even a second stock market liquidation were all being absorbed by the global economy. The disruptions were far worse overseas, thus the global part of global turmoil, but the US economy, too, was showing clear signs of distress. A manufacturing recession had emerged which would only ever be the case on weak...

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Markets, Gold – Ross Clark. Fed, Cyrptos – Bill Bonner. Real Estate – Robert Campbell. AMY.V, CCD.V

Air Date: November 18, 2017 Ross Clark – Stock Markets and Gold email: [email protected] Bill Bonner – Will The Dow Top 40 Thousand? US Fed, Cyrptocurrenies Guest's website: Robert Campbell – For the First Time Real Estate, Stocks and Bonds are all Going Up Together Guest's website: Larry Reaugh, President & CEO of American Manganese on Company Showcase – American Manganese Now...

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Markets, Gold – Ross Clark. Fed, Cyrptos – Bill Bonner. Real Estate – Robert Campbell. AMY.V, CCD.V

Air Date: November 18, 2017 Ross Clark – Stock Markets and Gold email: [email protected] Bill Bonner – Will The Dow Top 40 Thousand? US Fed, Cyrptocurrenies Guest's website: Robert Campbell – For the First Time Real Estate, Stocks and Bonds are all Going Up Together Guest's website: Larry Reaugh, President & CEO of American Manganese on Company Showcase – American Manganese Now Getting Mainstream News Coverage....

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Emerging Markets: What has Changed

Summary Moody’s raised India’s sovereign debt rating for the first time since 2004 by a notch to Baa2. Nigerian officials are on a global roadshow to support plans to issue its longest-dated Eurobonds ever The head of South Africa’s budget office resigned. President Robert Mugabe was placed under house arrest by the Zimbabwe military. Turkey’s central bank will introduce FX hedges for domestic companies with FX...

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Deepening Crisis In Hyper-inflationary Venezuela and Zimbabwe Show Why Physical Gold Is Ultimate Protection

Deepening Crisis In Hyper-inflationary Venezuela and Zimbabwe – Real inflation in Zimbabwe is 313 percent annually and 112 percent on a monthly basis – Venezuela’s new 100,000-bolivar note is worth less oday thehan USD 2.50 – Maduro announces plans to eliminate all physical cash – Gold rises in response to ongoing crises One Hundred Trillion Dollars Zimbabwe - Click to enlarge A military coup-de-grace in Zimbabwe...

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Swiss HSBC settles French tax fraud dispute

The HSBC settlement brings an end to the French tax dispute. (AP) - Click to enlarge With a payment of €300 million (CHF350 million), the Swiss subsidiary of British bank HSBC has settled its tax fraud dispute with the French authorities. Investigations by the French government revealed that many French taxpayers had hidden their assets with help from HSBC’s private bank. However, HSBC Switzerlandexternal...

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