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Darwin Airlines bankruptcy under criminal investigation

The public prosecutor of the southern Swiss canton of Ticino has opened criminal proceedings over irregularities concerning the bankruptcy of regional carrier Darwin Airlines. According to the SonntagsZeitung paper, the Ticino public prosecutor opened criminal proceedings against “unknown persons” on Thursday after the bankruptcy office in Lugano drew his attention to suspected irregularities. The regional carrier,...

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Great St Bernard Tunnel reopens after three-month closure

The collapse of a beam holding up the ventilation system was responsible for the tunnel closure in September (Keystone) - Click to enlarge Switzerland’s oldest traffic tunnel through the Alps reopened on Christmas eve after a three-month closure due to problems with the ventilation system. After extensive repair work, the tunnel that connects Martigny in the western Swiss canton of Valais with the Aosta...

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Christmas 2017: Why I’m Hopeful

A more human world lies just beyond the edge of the Status Quo. Readers often ask me to post something hopeful, and I understand why: doom-and-gloom gets tiresome. Human beings need hope just as they need oxygen, and the destruction of the Status Quo via over-reach and internal contradictions doesn’t leave much to be happy about. The most hopeful thing in my mind is that the Status Quo is devolving from its internal...

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UBS consumption indicator: Solid private consumption in 2018

The Swiss consumption indicator by UBS shows improvements. The indicator is still distant from the highs in 2012. At the time stronger growth in Emerging Markets and the weaker franc helped the Swiss economy. At 1.67 points, the UBS consumption indicator was above its long-term average in November, indicating solid consumption growth in 2018. Thanks to solid economic growth, private consumption will likely continue...

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FX Daily, December 27: What Happened on Boxing Day?

Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.32% to 1.1763 CHF. EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, December 27(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates There were several developments on the day after Christmas, while many markets remained closed and investors sidelined.   One of the most important developments was the euro’s complete recovery from the flash crash of nearly three...

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Swiss National Bank buys paper factory for banknote production

To guarantee the smooth roll-out of its new banknote series, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) has bought a struggling paper factory in eastern Switzerland. The takeover of Landqart AG, valued at CHF21.5 million ($21.7 million), is split between the SNB (90%) and the security printing division of Swiss publisher Orell Füssli (10%). + Switzerland is rolling out a new series of banknotes with numerous security features...

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Bitcoin: Attention à l’arnaque. Dossier.

C’est la monnaie préférée des pirates informatiques. Celle qu’exigent les hackers lorsqu’ils formulent  une demande de rançon. Mais pas seulement ! Depuis que le bitcoin flambe (il a dépassé le 15 décembre les 17 000 dollars), de plus en plus de fonds d’investissement, alléchés par les perspectives haussières de son cours, s’y intéressent. Et de nombreux sites de commerce en ligne se mettent à facturer produits et...

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Scaring off wild boar in their own language

Forget guns or traps, a researcher in Switzerland has been using terrifying sounds to try and scare wild boar away from crops. It's hoped that the "scary stories"might help farmers, who suffer from destroyed fields and harvests thanks to the animals. The number of wild boar in Switzerland has been increasing for years. (SRF/ --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss...

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Public Eye issues criminal complaint against Glencore

Glencore has denied any wrongdoing (Keystone) - Click to enlarge Swiss NGO Public Eye has filed a criminal complaint with the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland against the activities of Swiss commodities giant Glencore in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The Office of the Attorney Generalexternal link on Tuesday confirmed receipt of the complaint but said further details were currently not...

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Santa’s Stock Market Rally: Tears of Joy, Or Just Tears?

Everyone who believes risk has disappeared has fallen for the con. Judging by this year’s version of Santa Claus’s reliable year-end stock market rally, risk has vanished, not just in stocks but in bonds, junk bonds, housing, commercial real estate, collectible art–just about the entire spectrum of tradable assets (with precious metals and agricultural commodities among the few receiving coals rather than rallies). One...

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