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Sound Money and Your Personal Finances

Sound money principles can serve to help grow the economy and restrain government. The political class, however, doesn’t particularly want to restrain itself. Washington, D.C. is addicted to the easy money policies that have enabled $20 trillion in national debt accumulation and tens of trillions more in unfunded liabilities. Even with a new and unconventional GOP president who vows to take on waste and overregulation,...

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RTD Rewind: “The Dollar Is Failing” – Keith Weiner (Gold Standard Institute)

Subscribe and share the RTD Rewind to help others learn... Give it a thumbs up if you agree or down if you disagree? In this unseen RTD Rewind clip with Keith Weiner of the Gold Standard Institute, I ask him to share his thoughts on the future of the Federal Reserve Note (a.k.a Dollar). Listen to what he has to say and let us know your thoughts in the comment section? Watch the full interview and other great educational interviews on the future of the dollar at RTD UNIVERSITY. The best...

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FX Daily, January 23: Dollar’s Pre-Weekend Retreat Extended in Asia Before Stabilizing in Europe

Swiss Franc EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, January 23(see more posts on EUR/CHF, ) - Click to enlarge FX Rates The US dollar had a poor close in the North American session before the weekend as investors appear increasing anxious about the new US Administration’s economic policies and priorities.With no fresh details emerging over the weekend, some stale dollar longs exited.  The dollar stabilized in the European...

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Free language classes help foreigners integrate

More than a thousand immigrants have now taken advantage of free German courses for new arrivals in the city of Basel. The offer, unique in Switzerland, came about thanks to a popular initiative that was accepted by voters in Basel in November 2014, the aim of which was to improve the integration of foreigners. (Julie Hunt, --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss...

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Changes to health insurance zones could lead to steep premium rises for some

© Ginasanders | In Switzerland, how much you pay for compulsory health insurance depends on where you live. Premiums vary hugely by canton. For 2016, average monthly adult premiums in Basel City are CHF 545.60, Switzerland’s most expensive, compared to CHF 326.70, in lowest-cost Appenzell-Innerhoden. The difference between the two cantons is 40%. In addition to big differences between cantons, prices vary...

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China Says It Is Ready To Assume “World Leadership”, Slams Western Democracy As “Flawed”

Over the weekend China used the Trump inauguration to warn about the perils of democracy, touting the relative stability of the Communist system as President Xi Jinping heads toward a twice-a-decade reshuffle of senior leadership posts. Without directly referencing the new president, China wrote that democracy has reached its limits, and deterioration is the inevitable future of capitalism, according to the...

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The Collapse of the Left

The Left is not just in disarray–it is in complete collapse because the working class has awakened to the Left’s betrayal and abandonment of the working class in favor of building personal wealth and power. The source of the angry angst rippling through the Democratic Party’s progressive camp is not President Trump–it’s the complete collapse of the Left globally. To understand this collapse, we turn (once again) to...

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Weekly Sight Deposits and Speculative Positions: Weaker dollar let SNB accumulates losses

Headlines Week January 23, 2017 Who has read Milton Friedman knows that the Trump reflation trade is now showing its positive side. US wages are rising by 2.5%, while inflation is still relatively low. According to Friedman, inflation will increase only later. This implies that speculators are long the dollar and short the Swiss franc and the euro during the weak inflation period. The last ECB meeting showed that the...

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Weekly Speculative Position: CHF getting stronger, net shorts stable

Swiss Franc Speculators were net short CHF in January 2015, shortly before the end of the peg, with 26.4K contracts. Then again in December 2015, when they expected a Fed rate hike, with 25.5K contracts. The biggest short CHF, however, happened in June 2007, when speculators were net short 80K contracts. Shortly after, the U.S. subprime crisis started. The carry trade against CHF collapsed. The...

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Weekly SNB Intervention Update: Sight Deposits and Speculative Position

Headlines Week January 23, 2017 Who has read Milton Friedman knows that the Trump reflation trade is now showing its positive side. US wages are rising by 2.5%, while inflation is still relatively low. According to Friedman, inflation will increase only later. This implies that speculators are long the dollar and short the Swiss franc and the euro during the weak inflation period. The last ECB meeting showed that the...

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