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Physical Gold In Vault Is “True Hedge of Last Resort” – Goldman Sachs

– Physical gold is “the true currency of the last resort” – Goldman Sachs– “Gold is a good hedge against geopolitical risks when the event leads to a debasement of the dollar” – Trump and Washington risk bigger driver of gold than risks such as North Korea– Recent events such as N. Korea only explain fraction of 2017 gold price rally – Do not buy gold futures or ETFs rather “physical gold in a vault” [is] the “true...

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Les banques centrales deviennent omnipotentes sur les marchés financiers.

BRI, banque des banques centrales Tel Atlas soutenant le monde, les banques centrales portent sur leurs épaules le marché financier. Cette réalité demeure largement occultée, mais elle détermine pourtant massivement l’avenir de nos économies. Nous avions déjà évoqué ce sujet l’année dernière (Les banques centrales commencent-elles à nationaliser l’économie ?). Il importe d’y revenir car de nouveaux chiffres...

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Toward The Housing Bubble, Or Great Depression?

During the middle 2000’s, one more curious economic extreme presented itself in an otherwise ocean of extremes. Though economists were still thinking about the Great “Moderation”, the trend for the Personal Savings Rate was anything but moderate, indicated a distinct lack of modesty on the part of consumers. In early 2006, the Bureau of Economic Analysis calculated that the rate had been negative for all of 2005. It...

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Switzerland Unemployment in August 2017: Unemployment Slightly Falling

Unemployment Rate (not seasonally adjusted) Bern, 08.09.2017 – Registered unemployment in August 2017 – At the end of August 2017 135’578 unemployed persons were registered at the Regional Employment Services Centers (RAV), according to the SECO (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs), 1’652 more than in the previous month. The unemployment rate remained at 3.0% in the reporting month. Compared to the previous month,...

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FX Daily, September 07: ECB Focus for Sure, but not Only Game in Town

Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.35% to 1.1433 CHF.   FX Rates The US dollar is trading broadly lower. The ECB meeting looms large. Many, like ourselves, expected that when Draghi said in July that the asset purchases would be revisited in the fall, it to meant after the summer recess, not a legalistic definition of when fall begins. Still, there have been some reports, citing unnamed sources close to the ECB, that...

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Swiss retailers called on to remove palm oil from their products

Two Swiss NGOs have started a petition calling for Swiss retailers to reduce or remove palm oil from their products. Present in many processed foods, cosmetics and detergents, the ingredient has a bad reputation. The NGOs Bread for All and the Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund want to see a reduction in palm oil consumption. They believe voluntary initiatives by the palm oil sector to clean up the industry have done nothing to...

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Bitcoin, Sour Grapes and the Institutional Herd

The point is institutional ownership of bitcoin is in the very early stages. If I had a bitcoin for every time some pundit declared bitcoin is a bubble, I’d be a billionaire. There are three problems with opining that bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are bubblicious: 1. Everything is in a bubble now: stocks, bonds, housing, heck, even bat guano is bubblicious. Exactly what insight is being added by yet another guru...

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2017 Is Two-Thirds Done And Still No Payroll Pickup

The payroll report for August 2017 thoroughly disappointed. The monthly change for the headline Establishment Survey was just +156k. The BLS also revised lower the headline estimate in each of the previous two months, estimating for July a gain of only +189k. The 6-month average, which matters more given the noisiness of the statistic, is just +160k or about the same as when the Federal Reserve contemplated starting a...

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How to Make the Financial System Radically Safer

  Preventing the Last Crisis Clear thinking and discerning rigor when it comes to the twisted state of present economic policy matters brings with it many physical ailments. A permanent state of disbelief, for instance, manifests in dry eyes and droopy shoulders. So, too, a curious skepticism produces etched forehead lines and nighttime bruxism. The terrible scourge of bruxism and its potentially terrifying...

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The world’s steepest funicular

Switzerland has the world’s steepest funicular, able to surmount a 47-degree incline. Engineers in canton Schwyz had to develop a completely new sort of railway for it. Tests are currently underway to put the novel technology through its paces. (SRF/ --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos...

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