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Marc Chandler on the Outlook for the Dollar, Euro and Yen in 2012

Watch more Capital Account @ Mitt Romney wins the new hampshire primaries -- he is the biggest recipient of money from Wall Street so far this election cycle. Maybe Obama is trying to catch up though? He heads to a Chicago fundraiser at the home of a former bear sterns executive. Meanwhile, Geithner is in China to talk currency controls with Beijing, and we are in DC to ask if Uncle...

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Why Willpower Doesn’t Always Win Thin A person can, with the best intentions in the world end up snacking, eating too much, and/or eating fattening food If he doesn't pay attention to his Body's need for NUTRITION and ENERGY, If he eats whatever is fast, easy, and convenient.instead, his Body has various mechanisms that will automatically come into play and he will never achieve his Best Bod. But no need to cover that stomach with some object when you walk,...

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Bill Bonner et la Vera Valor

Bill Bonner, l'éditeur de Moneyweek et des Editions Agora, nous félicite pour le lancement de la Vera Valor. Et il en offre une à Simone Wapler, la responsable des Editions Agoras en France. Bill Bonner est aussi l'auteur du livre L'Empire des Dettes. Annonciateur dès 2006 de notre crise actuelle.

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Charles Hugh Smith: Why Local Enterprise Is The Solution

A growing number of individuals believe our economic and societal status quo is defined by unsustainable addiction to cheap oil and ever increasing debt. With that viewpoint, it's hard not to see a hard takedown of our national standard of living in the future. Even harder to answer is: what do you do about it? Charles Hugh Smith, proprietor of the esteemed weblog, sees the path to future prosperity in removing capital from the Wall Street machine and investing it into local...

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Bitcoin: $10,000 Bet that they will outperform Gold and Silver by 100X !!!

I'm Roger Ver. CEO of Recently I have noticed a lot of videos on youtube where people are saying that Bitcoins are a scam, a Ponzi scheme, or otherwise a bad idea. I disagree, so I would like to invite those people to put their money where their mouth is. I'm willing to bet $10,000 USD or equivalent in Bitcoins, that over the next 2 years, Bitcoins will not only outperform the stock market, Gold, Silver, and the US dollar, but Bitcoins will do it by more...

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