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Chandler Sees Need to Establish European Bond Market: Video

Feb. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Marc Chandler, New York-based global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., talks with Bloomberg's Deirdre Bolton and Scarlet Fu about the need for European governments to establish an interconnected bond market. Chandler also discusses the lack of details in the recovery plan for Greece. (Source: Bloomberg)

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Chandler Says Euro May Rise to $1.47 on ECB Rate Bets

March 24 (Bloomberg) -- Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., and Gerard Lyons, chief economist at Standard Chartered Bank, discuss the European debt crisis and the outlook for the euro. They speak with Tom Keene on Bloomberg Television's "Surveillance Midday." (Source: Bloomberg)

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Win Thin Says S&P’s U.S. Outlook Is `Medium-Term Issue’

April 18 (Bloomberg) -- Win Thin, global head of emerging-market strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., talks about the decision by Standard & Poor's to revise its outlook on the U.S. AAA credit rating to "negative" and its impact on financial markets. The dollar advanced the most since November against the currencies of major trading partners on increased demand for a refuge as Europe's debt crisis outweighed S&P's negative U.S. outlook. Thin speaks with Mark Crumpton on Bloomberg...

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Win Thin Doesn’t See U.S. `Unhappy’ With Weaker Dollar

April 29 (Bloomberg) -- Win Thin, global head of emerging-market strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., and Michael Cloherty, head of U.S. rates strategy for fixed income and currencies at RBC Capital Markets, discuss investment strategy and the outlook for inflation. They speaks with Tom Keene on Bloomberg Television's "Surveillance Midday." (Source: Bloomberg)

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Marc Chandler on the Outlook for the Dollar, Euro and Yen in 2012

Watch more Capital Account @ Mitt Romney wins the new hampshire primaries -- he is the biggest recipient of money from Wall Street so far this election cycle. Maybe Obama is trying to catch up though? He heads to a Chicago fundraiser at the home of a former bear sterns executive. Meanwhile, Geithner is in China to talk currency controls with Beijing, and we are in DC to ask if Uncle...

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Why Willpower Doesn’t Always Win Thin A person can, with the best intentions in the world end up snacking, eating too much, and/or eating fattening food If he doesn't pay attention to his Body's need for NUTRITION and ENERGY, If he eats whatever is fast, easy, and convenient.instead, his Body has various mechanisms that will automatically come into play and he will never achieve his Best Bod. But no need to cover that stomach with some object when you walk,...

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