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BIS: The VIX is Dead, The Dollar is the new “Fear Indicator”

Over the past few years, one of the recurring themes on this website has been an ongoing discussion of how the VIX has lost its predictive value as a market risk indicator. This culminated recently with a note by Russel Clark who explained in clear term why the “VIX is now broken.” Today, in a fascinating note Hyun Song Shin, head of research at the Bank for International Settlements, the “central banks’ central bank”...

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FX Weekly Review, November 14 – November 18: Best Dollar Weeks since Reagan

Swiss Franc Currency Index The weeks after Trump’s election continue to see a weakening of the Swiss Franc, while the dollar index is on a steady rise. Still both the euro and the yen have seen worse performance than the Swiss Franc. The euro is currently under 1.07 CHF. Trade-weighted index Swiss Franc, November 18(see more posts on Swiss Franc Index, ) Source: - Click to enlarge Swiss Franc Currency Index...

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The Italian Job

Summary: Italy is the epicenter of the next potential populist “shock.” A defeat of the referendum is seen as intensifying the political risk. Renzi has wavered again regarding his political future if the referendum loses. Many investors are closely watching Italy. It is seen as the next flashpoint for the wave of populism after Brexit and Trump’s success. The constitutional referendum will be held on...

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Weekly Speculative Positions: Dramatic Spot Currency Moves not Reflected

The net speculative position of the Swiss Franc did not change a lot. It fell from -23K contracts to -22k against the US Dollar. Speculators reduced their net euro and Sterling shorts. But they reduced their long yen position. What is most noticeable about the CFTC Commitment of Traders report for the reporting week ending November 15 is what is not there: Activity.  With the Australian dollar being the sole...

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If TPP is Dead…

Summary: TPP may be dead, but China is spearheading an alternative regional free trade deal. It is not as ambitious as the US-led TPP. China and Russia are eager to re-establish spheres of influence. The US election results delivered the coup de grace to the multilateral trade agreement called Trans-Pacific Partnership.  It was initially championed by the Obama Administration as a key pillar of its pivot to...

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Two Types of Credit — One Leads to Booms and Busts

Stumped by the Bust In the slump of a cycle, businesses that were thriving begin to experience difficulties or go under. They do so not because of firm-specific entrepreneurial errors but rather in tandem with whole sectors of the economy. People who were wealthy yesterday have become poor today. Factories that were busy yesterday are shut down today, and workers are out of jobs. Businessmen themselves are confused...

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SNB sollte Bund bis 60 Milliarden ausschütten – nur so ist der Steuerzahler sicher

Letzte Woche gab die Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) bekannt, dass sie für dieses Geschäftsjahr eine Milliarde Franken an Bund und Kantone ausschütten wird. Von der Presse wird dies unterschiedlich interpretiert. Einerseits nimmt man mit Genugtuung zur Kenntnis, dass die SNB überhaupt eine Milliarde ausschütten kann. Andererseits wird mit Blick auf drohendes negatives Eigenkapital der SNB gewarnt, diese müsse...

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Emerging Markets: What has Changed

Summary Malaysia appears to have enacted a subtle change in FX policy. Turkey cut foreign currency reserve requirements in an effort to increase the supply of foreign exchange. Brazil’s central bank suspended the sale of reverse currency swaps and started selling new regular swaps (equivalent to selling USD). Colombia reached a new peace agreement with FARC rebels. Mexico’s central bank hiked cash rates by 50...

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The Great Con: Political Correctness Has Marginalized the Working Class

So when the protected class of well-paid institutional “progressives” speak darkly of “reversing 40 years of social progress,” what they’re really saying is we’re terrified that the bottom 95% might be waking up to our Great Con of identity politics and political correctness. To understand the Great Con of political correctness, we must first grasp the decline of the working class (self-described as “the middle...

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Did President-Elect Trump Just Inadvertently Kill The Golden Goose?

Submitted by Gordon T Long via, President-Elect Trump may have just unwittingly sowed the seed of an equity market draw-down which will send even more protesters into the streets of America. Donald Trump’s stated economic policies are clearly pro-growth and if he manages to implement his pro-business, anti-regulation agenda, in  the longer term they have the potential to surpass the bold and successful...

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