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Bi-Weekly Economic Review: The Return of Economic Ennui

The economic reports released since the last of these updates was generally not all that bad but the reports considered more important were disappointing. And it should be noted that economic reports lately have generally been worse than expected which, if you believe the market to be fairly efficient, is what really matters. The disappointing employment report and the generally less than expected tone of the reports...

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Gold Prices Break 6-Year-Long Downtrend On Safe Haven and 50percent Surge In Chinese Demand

– Gold prices break 6 year down trend on safe haven demand (see charts)– Chinese gold demand set to surge 50% to 1,000 metric tonnes – Chinese demand for gold bars on track to surge more than 60 percent in 2017 – Geopolitical risk internationally leading to safe haven demand– UK election, terrorism and rising tensions in Middle East supporting gold after attacks in London and attacks in Iran today – Gold is 12.5% higher...

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Tourist Accommodation in the Winter Season 2016/2017: Overnight stays Increased by 2.0 percent in Switzerland

Neuchâtel, 06.06.2017 (FSO) – The hotel sector registered 15.7 million overnight stays in Switzerland during the winter tourist season (from November 2016 to April 2017). This represents an increase of 2.0% (+314,000 overnight stays) compared with the same period a year earlier. With a total of 8.2 million overnight stays, foreign demand rose by 2.1% (+171,000). Domestic visitors registered a 1.9% increase (+143,000)...

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FX Daily, June 06: Yen Propelled Higher

Swiss Franc The euro is lower at 1.0853 (-0.06%). EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, June 06(see more posts on EUR/CHF, ) - Click to enlarge FX Rates The week was supposed to be dominated by the UK election and the ECB meeting, but the yen is stealing the show in the first part of the week. The US dollar has been sold through JPY110 for the first time since late April. The euro has fallen from JPY125.30 before the...

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Stocks, Bonds, Euro, and Gold Go Up – Precious Metals Supply and Demand

See the introduction and the video for the terms gold basis, co-basis, backwardation and contango. Driven by Credit The jobs report was disappointing. The prices of gold, and even more so silver, took off. In three hours, they gained $18 and 39 cents. Before we try to read into the connection, it is worth pausing to consider how another market responded. We don’t often discuss the stock market (and we have not been...

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Euro Shrugs off European Banking Woes

Summary: Spain’s Banco Popular is scrambling ahead of its meeting with the ECB tomorrow; shares are around 50% in three sessions. Italy has two banks that may see the same deal Monte Paschi negotiated with the EU. Portugal banks are still putting loan loss reserves and provisions aside. Eurozone The eurozone appears to be in rare form. The political threat that seemed so palpable at the start of the year has...

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Deposit Bail In Risk as Spanish Bank’s Stocks and Bonds Crash

– Deposit bail in risk as stocks and bonds of Spanish bank –  Banco Popular – crash – Banco Popular stock crashes most on record – down 63% this year to 34 euro cents – Spanish bank tells employees – “Don’t panic” – Risk of Spanish banking crisis as Banco Popular credit curve inverts – Banco Popular needs to find at least €4 billion more capital – analysts – Deposits over €100,000 (euro) vulnerable to bail-in – EU,...

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The Path to Inflation: “Helicopter Money”

Yet conventional economists are virtually unanimous that deflation is the danger and inflation is a “good thing” we need to spur so servicing existing debt becomes easier for debtors. Due to the deflationary pressures of technology and stagnant wages for the bottom 90%, the consensus sees low inflation as far as the eye can see. When the consensus is near-100% on one side of the boat, we can safely bet Reality will not...

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Great Graphic: Don’t be Misled by Sterling Stability, Investors are Concerned

The Great Graphic, created on Bloomberg, shows the options skew (three-month 25 delta risk reversal) in the white line, and sterling is the yellow line.   The takeaway is that the market appears to be more nervous than the relatively firm sterling in the spot market suggests.   Typically, one might expect those with sterling exposure to sell calls (and receive funds) rather than buy puts (new expenditure).  The buyers...

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Who Benefits From Transparency from Gold Market – Keith Weiner

Keith Weiner's of Monetary Metals' presentation at the Cambridge Metal Writers Conference in Vancouver on Who Benefits From Transparency from Gold Market Please subscribe for updates on new videos to inform the public on financial honesty, solutions and the politics. Keith Weiner website Twitter @kweiner01 Website: Facebook: Twitter:

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