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Coronavirus: loss of smell indicates “very high likelihood” of infection

© Katarzyna Bialasiewicz | While there is currently no scientifically proven link between anosmia (loss of smell) and Covid-19, more and more experts are saying the symptom is a strong indicator. Gilbert Greub, head of the microbiology department at the CHUV hospital in Lausanne, is one such expert. “Given the widespread Covid-19 epidemic, I think that everyone who has a problem tasting or a problem smelling has a very high likelihood of testing...

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The Out Has Not Yet Begun to Fall, Market Report 31 March

So, the stock market has dropped. Every government in the world has responded to the coronavirus with drastic, if not unprecedented, violations of the rights of the people. Not to mention, extremely aggressive monetary policy. And, they are about to unleash massive fiscal stimulus as well (for example, the United States government is about to dole out over $2 trillion worth of loot). The question on everyone’s mind is what will be the consequences? The standard...

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The Wonderful Insanity of Globalization

So here’s an April Fools congrats to globalization’s many fools. The tradition here at Of Two Minds is to make use of April Fool’s Day for a bit of parody or satire, but I’m breaking with tradition and presenting something that is all too real but borders on parody: the wonderful insanity of globalization. Like the famous emperor with no clothing, globalization’s countless glorious benefits have been flogged by neoliberal elites and its corporate media shills with...

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Alchemy Rediscovered by Research Scientist, Report 1 April

“The Medievals were smarter than most people think,” says Dr. Michael Mus. “I mean, sure, they tortured people for believing that the sun was the center of our solar system, and they burned witches at the stake. But they knew a thing or two about gold.” Picture of Dr. Michael Mus Dr. Mus is working to perfect a method of turning lead and other base metals into gold. He says he is so close, that he will only need one more grant from the King government. Then he says,...

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FX Daily, April 1: Hemorrhaging Resumes

Swiss Franc The Euro has fallen by 0.29% to 1.0566 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, April 1(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: There is no reprieve for investors. Equities are falling sharply. Nearly all the Asia Pacific markets slumped but Australia. Chinese markets fared better than most, but the Nikkei was off 4.5%, and India was down almost as much in late dealings. Europe’s Dow Jones Stoxx 600 is off more...

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FINMA-Aufsichtsmitteilung: Befristete Erleichterungen für Banken infolge der COVID-19-Krise

Mit der FINMA-Aufsichtsmitteilung 02/2020 gibt die Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht FINMA den Banken Präzisierungen zur Behandlung der bundesgarantierten COVID-19-Kredite im Rahmen der Eigenmittel- und Liquiditätsvorschriften, zu befristeten Erleichterungen bei der Leverage Ratio und bei den Risikoverteilungsvorschriften. Ferner informiert die FINMA zum Expected-Credit-Loss-Ansatz nach IFRS 9 und dessen Anwendung im Kontext der COVID-19-Krise. Ausschüttung von...

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