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CHF Price Movements: Correlations between CHF and the German Economy

A big part of Swiss consumption is imported from Germany. Therefore Swiss inflation is often correlated to German inflation. Capital flows often move to Switzerland and Germany at the same time. Correlations between CHF and the German economy The relationship between CHF and the German economy is very close for the following reasons: A big part of Swiss consumption is imported from Germany. Therefore, Swiss inflation...

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FX Daily, July 21: Monetary Policy Expectations are Driving Foreign Exchange

Swiss Franc The Swiss trade balance was published today, and once again, it remained close to record-high. For us, the trade balance is the most important indicator if a currency is fairly valued. Over the long-term the Swiss trade surplus must adjust towards zero, while the currency must appreciate. The consequence of the stronger currency is a higher purchasing power which leads to more spending and finally more...

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Effective Fed Funds and Money Markets

Summary: Fed funds have been trading firmly. There are several reasons and one of them is the shift that is taking place in the US money markets. Still the risk of a Fed hike has increased, just as speculation increases of easing in other major centers. The weighted average of the Fed funds rate has edged higher.  Following the Fed hike in December 2015, the Fed funds average around 36 bp in January before...

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Draghi Does not Surprise and Euro Edges Away from $1.10

Summary: Draghi does not show the kind of urgency many bank economists do over the shortage of bonds to buy. Draghi kept options open and suggested a review in September when new staff forecasts are available and more data will be seen. The euro firmed, mostly it seemed on sell the rumor buy the fact, and/or possibly some disappointment that no fresh action was taken. Draghi said nothing that surprised the...

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US To Seize $1 Billion In Embezzled Malaysian Assets Which Goldman Sachs Helped Buy

The last time we wrote about the long-running saga of the scandalous collapse and constant corruption at the Malaysian state wealth fund, 1MDB, which also happened to be an unconfirmed slush fund for president Najib, was a month ago when we learned that the NY bank regulator was looking into fundraising by the fund’s favorite bank, Goldman Sachs. Then overnight, the story which already seemed like it has every possible...

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FX Daily, July 20: Sterling’s Jump Slows Dollar’s Ascent

Swiss Franc The euro Swiss remains at relatively low levels, compared to the ones achieved in the recent risk-on enviornment. Click to enlarge. It is a bizarre turn of events.  Just like the Game of Throne’s Westeros is a map of the UK put on top of an inverted Ireland, so too do UK events seem to be a strange permutation of the pre-referendum views. Although sterling and interest rates have not fully recovered...

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The Central Planning Virus Mutates

Chopper Pilot Descends on Nippon Readers are probably aware of recent events in Japan, the global laboratory for interventionist experiments. The theories of assorted fiscal and monetary cranks have been implemented in spades for more than a quarter of a century in the country, to appropriately catastrophic effect. Amid stubbornly stagnating economic output, Japan has amassed a debt pile so vast since the bursting of...

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The Day They Killed the Dollar

  Hell With Air-Conditioning LAS VEGAS – It was 113 degrees outside when we rolled through Baker, California, a few days ago. We drove along in comfort, but our sympathies turned to the poor pilgrims who made their way to California in covered wagons. How they must have suffered! Our suffering didn’t begin until we checked into the Planet Hollywood Hotel in Las Vegas. What a horrible place. You stand in line for half...

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The World’s Central Banks Are Making A Big Mistake

Authored by John Mauldin via, While everyone was talking about Brexit last month, the Bank for International Settlements released its 86th annual report. Based in Basel, Switzerland, the BIS functions as a master hub for all the world’s central banks. It settles transactions among central banks and other international organizations. It doesn’t serve private individuals, businesses, or national...

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Great Graphic: Aussie Approaches Two-Month Uptrend

Summary: Australian dollar is the second heaviest currency this week after a key downside reversal at the end of last week. It is approaching an uptrend line near $0.7450. Many perceive an increased likelihood that the RBA eases and many are reassessing chance of a Fed hike later this year. Australian dollar The Australian dollar recorded a key downside reversal last Friday (July 15) and had seen follow...

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