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When cocoa farmers meet chocolate makers

What happens when a group of cocoa farmers from Peru launch their own chocolate label but have never made chocolate before? They fly to Switzerland. (SRF, Choba Choba, meaning “I help you, you help me” in the Andean language Quechua, is a Swiss co-founded initiative aimed at empowering cocoa farmers in Peru by turning them into entrepreneurs. The company, based in Bern, was co-founded in October 2015 by the Swiss, Christoph Inauen, and Eric Garnier from France, along with 36...

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FX Daily, December 07: Greenback is Broadly Steady While Sterling Slides

Swiss Franc EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, December 07(see more posts on EUR/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge The pound has seen a very marked turnaround against the Swiss Franc with almost 8 cents gained in the last few weeks. GBP/CHF appears to have 1.30 in its sights and at this pace it should be there in record time. This week sees a number of political events which are playing out into the...

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Sind die SNB-Negativzinsen expansiv oder eher restriktiv?

Vor dem Hintergrund eines angeblich „schwachen Wirtschaftswachstums“ rechtfertigte SNB-Chef Thomas Jordan neulich in einem Interview in der Tagespresse die SNB-Negativzinsen und bezeichnete diese als „expansiv“. Nur: Sind Negativzinsen wirklich „expansiv“? Sind diese nicht viel eher „restriktiv“ und bremsen unsere Wirtschaft – bewirken also genau das Gegenteil von dem, was die SNB behauptet? Einmal mehr plaudert unsere...

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Over 4,000 studios for rent. Standing room only. Telephone included.

© Phillip Judd - Click to enlarge The contractural requirement for Swisscom to provide every commune with a telephone box comes to an end at the end of next year. Late last week, the Federal Council adopted a new plan that will come into force in 2018. Internet subscriptions without a fixed phone contract should also be part of the new plan. The current deal with Swisscom, which requires the company to provide...

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Our “Gaslight” Economy

If you don’t like what these charts are saying, please notify The Washington Post to add the St. Louis Federal Reserve to its list of Russian propaganda sites. Yesterday I described our gaslight financial system. Today we’ll look at our gaslight economy. Correspondent Jason H. alerted me to the work of author Thomas Sheridan ( Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath), who claims to have coined the...

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Greek Bonds may Soon be Included in ECB Purchases

Summary: The ECB accepts Greek bonds as collateral but does not include them in its asset purchases. A new staff-level agreement by the end of the year could change that. Finance ministers imply that Greece’s debt is sustainable, but the IMF disagrees. The ECB does not include Greek bonds in its sovereign bond purchase operation. However, the progress is being made, and it is possible that starting early next...

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Gold Price Skyrockets in India after Currency Ban – Part V

A Brief Recap India’s Prime Minister announced on 8th November 2016 that Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 banknotes will no longer be legal tender. Linked are Part-I, Part-II, Part-III, and Part-IV, which provide updates on the rapidly encroaching police state. Expect a continuation of new social engineering notifications, each sabotaging wealth-creation, confiscating people’s wealth, and tyrannizing those who refuse to be a part...

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November 2016: Swiss consumer price inflation remain lowest compared to Eurozone and U.S.

Swiss consumer price inflation remain lowest compared to Eurozone and U.S. Swiss consumer price inflation remain the lowest in comparison with different countries in the euro zone and the United States. Consumer prices in the U.S. are driven by rising health care costs and asset price inflation in shelter. In Europe, we see the opposite phenomenon: Rents in Italy or Spain are steady or falling. In Germany and...

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FX Daily, December 06: You Can Almost Hear a Pin Drop

Swiss Franc EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, December 06(see more posts on EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, ) - Click to enlarge FX Rates The foreign exchange market is quiet. Ranges are narrow, with the US dollar mostly consolidating against the major currencies. Given the push lower yesterday, the shallowness of its recovery warns of the greenback’s downside correction after strong gains last month may not be...

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Dang It! Gold was Supposed to Go Up! Precious Metals Supply and Demand

 See the introduction and the video for the terms gold basis, co-basis, backwardation and contango. A Plethora of Reasons We’ve gone through a succession of events and processes that were supposed to make gold go up. The following list is by no means exhaustive: Quantitative Easing Bernanke’s Helicopter Drops Janet Yellen’s Keynesianism Obama’s Deficits (US government debt is now a hair away from $20,000,000,000—and...

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