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Large email hack reported – Swiss agency tool lets you check if your account was compromised

© Igor Stevanovic | Dreamstime It’s the question lurking in many people’s minds, especially during the frenzy of online Christmas shopping: has my email account been hacked? MELANI has got your back – up to a point. The Reporting and Analysis Centre for Information Assurance (MELANI), is part of the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service. They have recently come into possession of a database with 21,000 combinations of...

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General Electric to cut 1,400 Swiss jobs

General Electric's Swiss headquarters is based in Baden in northern Switzerland (Keystone) - Click to enlarge General Electric (GE) has announced plans to cut around a third of its workforce based in northern Switzerland as the American multinational responds to a sharp fall in demand for fossil fuel power equipment. GE aims to cut up to 1,400 jobs over the next two years at its GE Power unit in the northern...

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UK Pensions Risk – Time to Rebalance and Allocate to Cash and Gold

UK Pensions Risk – Time to Rebalance and Allocate to Cash and Gold – Value of Sterling and increased risks place pressure on pensioners both in UK and abroad – 500,000 British expats face ‘frozen’ pensions – 61% of UK Direct Benefit pension schemes have more money going out than coming in – OECD report finds ‘UK workers face the biggest retirement cliff edge in developed world’ – Combined pension deficit of FTSE 350...

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Reduced Trade Terms Salute The Flattened Curve

The Census Bureau reported earlier today that US imports of foreign goods jumped 9.9% year-over-year in October. That is the second largest increase since February 2012, just less than the 12% import growth recorded for January earlier this year. US Imports, Jan 2007 - 2017 - Click to enlarge In both monthly cases, however, the almost normal rates of increase which would have at least suggested moving closer to a...

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The Santa Claus Rally is Especially Pronounced in the DAX

  The Gift that Keeps on Giving Every year a certain stock market phenomenon is said to recur, anticipated with excitement by investors: the Santa Claus rally. It is held that stock prices typically rise quite frequently and particularly strongly just before the turn of the year. I want to show you the Santa Claus rally in the German DAX Index as an example. Price moves are often exaggerated in the German stock market,...

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Switzerland’s “harmful tax regime” gets it on EU grey list

© Kevkhiev Yury | Dreamstime This week EU Finance ministers came out with a list of countries it thinks don’t measure up to its definition of good tax behaviour. There are two categories: blacklist and so-called “grey list”. Black is bad and grey is heading toward good, but not yet there. Switzerland is on the “grey list”. To stay off the list, countries must have fair tax rules, which are defined as not offering...

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The Latte Index: Using The Impartial Bean To Value Currencies

Like any other market, there are many opinions on what a currency ought to be worth relative to others. With certain currencies, that spectrum of opinions is fairly narrow. As an example, for the world’s most traded currency – the U.S. dollar – the majority of opinions currently fall in a range from the dollar being 2% to 11% overvalued, according to organizations such as the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bank of...

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Emerging Markets: What Changed

Summary China eased curbs on coal use for heating in the northern provinces to cope with colder weather. Poland announced a cabinet shuffle. Poland’s lower house approved the controversial judicial reform bill. President Trump announced that the US recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Brazil COPOM was more dovish than expected after cutting rates 50 bp to 7.0%. Chile central bank cut its 2017 and 2018 inflation...

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Bailins Coming In EU – 114 Italian Banks Have Non Performing Loans Exceeding Tangible Assets

Bailins Coming In EU – 114 Italian Banks Have NP Loans Exceeding Tangible Assets – Italy opposes ECB proposal that holds banks to firm deadlines for writing down bad loans – Italy’s banks weighed down under €318bn of bad loans – New ECB rules could ‘derail’ any recovery in Italy’s financial system – Draft proposal requires banks to provision fully for loans that turn sour from 2018 – ECB insists banks have better...

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The Party of Spend More vs. the Party of Tax Less

Eternal Spendathon The Senate just passed a 500-page tax reform bill. Assuming it lives up to its promise, it will cut taxes on corporations and individuals. Predictably, the Left hates it and the Right loves it. I am writing to argue why the Right should hate it (no, not for the reason the Left does, a desire to get the rich). US Federal Debt, 1970 - 2017The Federal debtberg has grown beyond all measure since...

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