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Cool Video: Bloomberg’s Daybreak – Dollar Correction

Marc Chandler - Click to enlarge I was on Bloomberg’s Daybreak: Americas today. The issue at hand was about the dollar’s losses since the start of the year. I suggest that the correction actually began a day or so after the Federal Reserve hiked rates in mid-December.  I noted that the correction was not just about the dollar but also interest rates. I suggest that interest rates are still key. The US 10-year yield...

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Emerging Markets: What has Changed

Summary Prime Minister Phuc said Vietnam will ease the limits on foreign ownership of banks this year. Russia’s government is working on measures to limit ruble volatility, including possible FX purchases. Turkey’s central bank start auctioning FX swaps to help support the lira. Brazil’s central bank resumed rolling over FX swaps. Brazilian Supreme Court Judge Zavascki was tragically killed in a plane accident. Chile’s...

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These Are The 3 Main Issues For Europe In 2017

Submitted by George Friedman and Jacob Shapiro via, What will the year ahead look like for Europe? 2017 will be another chapter in the European Union’s slow unraveling… a process that has been underway for over a decade. The EU is a union in name only. The transfer of sovereignty to Brussels was never total, and member states are independent countries… each with their own interests at stake....

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FX Daily, January 20: Trump Day

Swiss Franc EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, January 20(see more posts on EUR/CHF, ) - Click to enlarge The Pound has recovered some its losses from early last week following the speech made by Prime Minister Theresa May which covered the Brexit issue. We could see further volatility going into next week though when the Supreme Court judgement is due to be released. Theresa May has already announced that she will...

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Great Graphic: Trade and Tariffs-End of an Era?

This Great Graphic was tweeted by the Financial Time’s John Authers, who got it from @fathomcomment. The green line is the inversion of global trade (right-hand scale). The blue line is a trade-weighted average global tariff rate. What the chart shows is that since 1990, the decline in the average tariff coincided with an increase in trade (remember green line is inverted). However, the as chart illustrates, around the...

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How dry conditions are damaging forests

The second half of the year in Switzerland has been exceptionally dry. The trees are suffering as a result, as an ailing forest is more susceptible to fungi and beetles. (SRF/ --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website:...

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Gold’s average gains in inauguration years of 15 percent since 1974

– Gold’s average gains in inauguration years of 15% since 1974– First year of new President frequently a time of increased uncertainties and risks– Gold rose 30% in the 12 months after Obama inauguration – Massive political uncertainty – President’s conflict with the CIA– ‘Strong dollar policy’ to end as U.S. has $120 trillion plus debt– Trump inherits Bush and Obama’s humongous debt Gold performs well in inauguration...

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Declassified CIA Memos Reveal Probes Into Gold Market Manipulation

By Smaul gld The CIA recently released a series of declassified 1970s memos relating to the gold market and the newly created SDR. These memos give new insight how the CIA viewed the gold market, the perceived manipulation of gold and the potential for the SDR to become a gold substitute in the international monetary system. The classification of the documents is significant because “secret” is the CIA’s second-highest...

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Donald and the Dollar

  No Country Can be Made Great by Devaluation John Connally, President Nixon’s Secretary of the Treasury, once remarked to the consternation of Europe’s financial elites over America’s inflationary monetary policy, that the dollar “is our currency, but your problem.”  Times have certainly changed and it now appears that the dollar has become an American problem. In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, the...

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Swiss Real Estate Focus 2017: Vacancy rates rising at the end of the real estate cycle

Zurich, 19 January 2017 – Switzerland’s major cities saw net prime yields for multi-family homes drop to 2.6% in 2016 from an average of 2.8%. This is equivalent to a 6% increase in net present value. These low yields are creating additional incentives for investors to seek out higher returns in less central locations. Yet the number of vacant rental apartments – which has already doubled since 2009 – is likely to...

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