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Tag Archives: Euro

Juncker und der Euro

Verfehlte mit seiner Euro-Ausweitungs-Forderung den Nerv der Zeit: EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker. (Foto: Reuters / Christian Hartmann) Die Rede von Jean-Claude Juncker zur «Lage der Union» hat in der Öffentlichkeit wenig Zustimmung erhalten. Vor allem seine Aussage, der Euro müsse als Vehikel der Einigung auf alle Länder ausgeweitet werden, stiess auf grosse Skepsis. Juncker sagte Folgendes: Wenn wir wollen, dass der Euro unseren Kontinent mehr eint als spaltet, dann sollte...

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Global Asset Allocation Update: Step Away From The Portfolio

There is no change to the risk budget this month. For the moderate risk investor, the allocation between risk assets and bonds is unchanged at 50/50. There are no changes to the portfolios this month. The post Fed meeting market reaction was a bit surprising in its intensity. The actions of the Fed were, to my mind anyway, pretty much as expected but apparently the algorithms that move markets today were singing from a...

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FX Weekly Review, September 04 – 09: Draghi Dovish? EUR and USD falling against CHF

EUR/CHF The euro rose close to CHF 1.15 with the ECB meeting this week. Finally traders realized that the ECB committed not to hike rates for a very long time. The ECB will review and take a first decision on the bond purchasing program this autumn. However, this program will come to an end only when the inflation target of 2% becomes in reach. Strangely the EUR/CHF reacted with losses only on Friday. Where will Euro...

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Noch ist Südeuropa nicht gerettet

Auf ein Wunder brauchen sie nicht zu hoffen, auf neue Ausgleichsmechanismen für Europa schon: Gläubige im Vatikan. Foto: Pier Paolo Cito (Keystone) Erfreulicherweise sind die südeuropäischen Länder zum Wachstum zurückgekehrt. Sogar das von einer langjährigen Stagnation geplagte Italien wuchs im zweiten Quartal 2017 um 0,4 Prozent, was auf das ganze Jahr gerechnet 1,5 Prozent ausmacht. Spanien verzeichnet seit 2015 sogar jährliche Wachstumsraten von rund 3 Prozent. (Quelle: Eurostat)...

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FX Weekly Review, August 28 – September 02: The end of big euro rise?

EUR/CHF Let us remember why the euro has risen from 1.08 to 1.14 between June and August: Hopes that the French president Macron will help the French economy, similarly to the Trump reflation trade. Hopes that the ECB will finish their bond buying program earlier combined with quite good economic data. We are of the opinion that both points may be illusionary. The euro should not rise further. Politicians cannot...

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Die EZB und der Super-Euro

Die Europäische Zentralbank ist sich uneins bezüglich Ausstieg aus der expansiven Geldpolitik. (Foto: Getty Images) Der Wechselkurs des Euros sei nicht Gegenstand ihrer Geldpolitik, betonen die Entscheidungsträger der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) stets. Aber das ist nur formal richtig. Auf dem Papier ist die Zentralbank der 19 Staaten, die den Euro als Währung adoptiert haben, allein dem Ziel verpflichtet, eine geringe Inflation zu garantieren. Das sei die beste Voraussetzung für...

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FX Weekly Review, August 21 – August 26: Dollar Loses its Gains Against CHF

USD/CHF The dollar had some gains versus the franc during the last month, but it lost all during the last days. EUR/CHF The euro is still around 1.14, this is up 2.5% against one month ago. The rising momentum for EUR/CHF, however, seems to be fading. EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, August 26(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge Swiss Franc Currency Index (3...

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FX Weekly Review, August 14 – August 19: CHF Recovers after Dovish Draghi Comments

Overview The euro has lost some momentum versus the franc, the main reason is as usual monetary policy: Draghi does not want to talk about an early end of his bond buying programming at Jackson Hole. This had been confirmed by economic data: only 1.2% core inflation compared to a long-term inflation target of 2%. Consequently the Swissie appreciated during the week. Eurozone Core Consumer Price Index (CPI) YoY, Jul...

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FX Weekly Review, July 31 – August 05: Second Week of Strong CHF Losses

Swiss Franc vs USD and EUR The Swiss Franc entered the second week of stronger losses. While the euro gained 4% last week, the dollar appreciated against the Swiss Franc by 2% during this week. The euro could add another percent in the last days. The EUR/CHF reached 1.1521 after the strong US job figures. Finally, however the euro fell to 1.1451 for two reasons: Profit taking at the end of the week and secondly that...

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