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Tag Archives: 6b)

With the Trump Indictment, America Is a Step Closer to Being a Banana Republic

Democratic politicians and supporters are cheering the Trump indictment, but the entire process has been so politicized that its legitimacy is easily called into question. Original Article: "With the Trump Indictment, America Is a Step Closer to Being a Banana Republic" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon.  [embedded content]...

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Arbitrary Use of Power: Punishing Those Who Expose Not-So-Secret Government Secrets

Most readers might not remember Daniel Ellsburg, but for those of us who came of age during the Vietnam War, the maelstrom that formed around him and his actions helped to define that era. Ellsburg, of course, is famous because he leaked a number of internal government documents called the Pentagon Papers in which the writers expressed skepticism about the chances for U.S. success in the Vietnam War. Ellsburg chose to leak to the New York Times and the Washington...

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Money-Supply Growth Fell to a 50-Year Low in February. Will the Fed Panic?

Money supply growth fell again in February, falling even further into negative territory after turning negative in November 2022 for the first time in twenty-eight years. February's drop continues a steep downward trend from the unprecedented highs experienced during much of the past two years. Since April 2021, money supply growth has slowed quickly, and since November, we've been seeing the money supply contract for the first time since the 1990s. The last time the...

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Virtual Mises University 2023

Join 2023's Virtual Mises University for only $25—or join free for Mises Institute Members (uses your promo code on the back of your Membership card).  For almost thirty years, Mises Institute scholars have presented at Mises University, a world-class, week-long, intensive event in Austrian Economics. Virtual Mises University is the online component of this seminar for students, professionals, business people, and absolutely anyone, anywhere, who is interested in the...

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It’s Not Paranoid to Worry about a Central Bank Digital Currency

In a recent NYT column, economist Paul Krugman mocks Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who warned that a central bank digital currency (CBDC) would give the government too much power over Americans. Specifically, DeSantis argued that the feds could use a CBDC to further implement the “woke” agenda, penalizing Floridians if they bought too much gas or guns. Human Action Podcast: Krugman Says It's Paranoid to Worry About a Fed Digital Currency with Robert Murphy and...

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It Hurts to Pay for Strained China-USA Relations

Since the Trump administration launched their trade war with China in 2018, “Trump tariffs” have continued to harm not only our international relationships but also the US economy and the pocketbooks of US consumers. Now as global relations with China intensify and we face a national economic downturn, it’s time for the United States to embrace a more cooperative approach to foreign trade and allow free markets to provide a remedy to our economic woes. Although...

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Endangering Washington’s Divine Right to Deceive

Do Americans have the right to know if the $100 billion in their tax dollars that the Biden administration is delivering to Ukraine is being wasted? No, according to the U.S. Congress - which recently voted against creating an Inspector General to investigate whether handouts to the most corrupt government in Europe were being stolen. Do Americans have the right to know if their own government blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, the biggest act of environmental...

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No, the Financial Crisis Is Not Over

The collapse of California-based Silicon Valley Bank (and Signature Bank in New York) on March 10, 2023, sent shock waves through the international financial system. It not only made bank stocks and bank bonds fall sharply but also finally brought ailing banking giant Credit Suisse to its knees. The Swiss bank had to be rescued and was bought by UBS on March 19, 2023. In another wave of market fear, Deutsche Bank, another global systemically important bank, came...

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Things Are Going Down

Mark takes a look at the good news on price inflation and why it is better than reported, but probably short-lived. Other statistics are worsening and, amazingly, even landlords are starting to feel the pain! Be sure to follow Minor Issues at [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter

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Taxes Are the Price We Pay for NOT Living in a Civilized Society

Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. Taxes are the price we pay for civilization. I like to pay taxes. With them I buy civilization. —Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. During tax season, many people try to provide you with practical ways to lower your tax bill and mitigate your exposure to both tax payments and reporting. Instead of repeating such advice, I would rather discuss the role of taxes in society or, in particular, why we don’t need taxes....

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