While the ruling elites and the Federal Reserve try to sell digital money as “modern” and “convenient,” it poses threats to financial privacy and civil liberties. Original Article: "The Dangers of a ""Cashless"" Economy [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »Four Economic Activities and the Wealth of Nations
Trading, forecasting, aggregating, and innovating—referred to from here on out as the Four—are activities that people have engaged in since the beginning of humanity. They are part of the human fabric because they stem from mankind’s peculiarities—heterogeneity, inclination to forecast, sociality, and inventiveness. The Four are key social interactions in human life at both the individual and aggregate levels. In 2022, the value of worldwide global exports amounted...
Read More »The Fed Has No Plan, and Is Just Hoping for the Best
The Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) last week left the target policy interest rate (the federal funds rate) unchanged at 5.5 percent. This "pause" in the target rate suggests the FOMC believes it has raised the target rate high enough to rein in price inflation which has run well above the Fed's arbitrary two-percent inflation target since mid-2021. I say "believe," but perhaps the more appropriate word here is "hope." That is: the...
Read More »If the Fed Goes, The State Will Soon Follow
The leviathan US state would not be possible without the Fed underwriting its growth. But the Fed is not all-powerful, nor can it continue to exist by only creating chaos. Original Article: If the Fed Goes, The State Will Soon Follow [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »False Virtue: The Life and Death of “American Exceptionalism”
The impending decline of the dollar is apparently imposing a real Halloween scare on the American foreign policy establishment. An August 22, 2023, article on the Council on Foreign Relations website entitled “The Future of Dollar Hegemony” explained that the dollar’s global hegemony gives the U.S. government power to impose crippling sanctions and wage other forms of financial welfare against adversaries. . . . In 2022, more than twelve thousand entities were under...
Read More »Dollar Hegemony Fuels America’s Foreign Crusades
Mises Institute president Thomas DiLorenzo joins Ryan and Tho to discuss the moralistic claims behind American foreign policy. These claims intensified with the American Civil War and became a creed of American nationalists by the twentieth century. With the rise of the global dollar and dollar hegemony, America's foreign crusades became ever larger and more frequent. "False Virtue: The Life and Death of 'American Exceptionalism'" by Thomas J....
Read More »Time Preference Is the Key Driver of Interest Rates
By popular thinking, whenever the central bank raises the growth rate of the money supply through the buying of financial assets such as Treasuries this pushes the prices of Treasuries higher and their yields lower. This is labeled as the monetary liquidity effect. This effect is inversely correlated with interest rates. Furthermore, an increase in the money supply after a time lag strengthens economic activity and this pushes interest rates higher. Note that we have...
Read More »The Fate or Wealth of Nations: AI, Robotics and Automation
The AI and robotics revolution continues. As entrepreneurs find new ways to use these things profitably, the overall wealth of nations increases. Original Article: The Fate or Wealth of Nations: AI, Robotics and Automation [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »Can the American Government Wage a Just War?
Murray Rothbard asked this question and concluded that the current American regime, if the wisdom of Aquinas’ words is taken seriously, cannot wage a just war. Original Article: Can the American Government Wage a Just War? [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »Statist Ideology and War: Israel versus Hamas
As I wrote in my previous piece on statism and the Israel-Hamas conflict, states are organized crime rackets. Wars between states thus represent warfare between rival gangs. The proper libertarian position with reference to such gang wars is neutrality, or the opposition to all state parties to war. Neutrality includes opposition to interventionism, including opposition to sending arms and aid to other nations. Foreign aid increases the tax aggression on the...
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