Swisscom denies it has been defrauding its customers (Keystone) - Click to enlarge The Swiss consumer protection agency says it will file criminal charges against Swisscom for an alleged roaming charge rip-off that is said to have netted the telecommunications giant millions of francs at customers’ expense. Swisscom has flatly rejected the allegation, saying it does not charge customers fictitious foreign...
Read More »Did the Economy Just Stumble Off a Cliff?
The signs are everywhere for those willing to look: something has changed beneath the surface of complacent faith in permanent growth. This is more intuitive than quantitative, but my gut feeling is that the economy just stumbled off a cliff. Neither the cliff edge nor the fatal misstep are visible yet; both remain in the shadows of the intangible foundation of the economy: trust, animal spirits, faith in authorities’...
Read More »FX Daily, August 25: Is the Janet and Mario Show a New Episode or Rerun?
Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.11% to 1.1398 CHF. EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, August 25(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ). FX Rates The event that investors have been waiting for and the media frequently linked to whatever price action has taken place has arrived: Yellen and Draghi’s speeches later today. Yellen is first. She will speak at 10:00 am ET. This is toward the end of the European trading week. Draghi...
Read More »Swiss gender pay gap only 2 percent, says study
© Clementgreenberg | Dreamstime - Click to enlarge The report says that while it is true that, as a group, women get paid less than men, it is not because they receive less for the same work. It is because they don’t get the highest-paying jobs in the highest-paid industries. Korn Ferry’s number crunchers took pay data on more than 20 million employees across 25,000 organisations in more than 110 countries. They...
Read More »How will Yellen Address Fostering a Dynamic Global Economy?
Summary Yellen has identified two challenges regarding the US labor market, the opioid epidemic and women participation in the labor force. The topic of the Jackson Hole gathering lends itself more to a discussion of these issues than the nuances of monetary policy. Dynamic world growth needs a dynamic US economy, and that requires more serious thinking about these socio-economic and political issues. The topic at...
Read More »Court Upholds Fines for Leaking ex-SNB Chairman’s Bank Details
Philipp Hildebrand was forced out of his post less than two years into his tenure as head of the Swiss central bank (Keystone) Switzerland’s highest court has imposed suspended fines on a local politician and a former bank worker for leaking the personal bank transactions of former Swiss National Bank (SNB) chairman Philipp Hildebrand. The leak forced Hildebrand to resign in 2012. On Wednesday, the Supreme Court ended a...
Read More »Global Financial Crisis 10 Years On: Gold Price Rises 124 percent From €490 to €1,100
– Gold up over 100% in major currencies since financial crisis– Gold up 100% in USD, 124% in EUR and surged 200% in GBP– Gold has outperformed equity, bonds and most assets– Gold remains an important safe-haven in long term Gold Prices(see more posts on Gold prices, )Gold prices from August 9th 2007 to August 9th 2017 - Click to enlarge It has been ten years since the global financial crisis began to take hold. At...
Read More »We Need a Social Revolution
In the conventional view, there are two kinds of revolutions: political and technological. Political revolutions may be peaceful or violent, and technological revolutions may transform civilizations gradually or rather abruptly—for example, revolutionary advances in the technology of warfare. In this view, the engines of revolution are the state–government in all its layers and manifestations—and the corporate economy....
Read More »Que reste-t-il de la BNS? Liliane Held-Khawam
Nous alertons sur ce blog depuis des années sur le fait que la BNS, qui a récupéré grâce à la « réforme » de 2003 une levée des restrictions sur sa politique monétaire, mène une stratégie complaisante vis-à-vis du marché financier, et plus précisément américain. Nous avons osé affirmé que la BNS utilisait nos fonds de trafic de paiement pour gonfler de manière totalement illégitime (mais légalisée de fait) son bilan....
Read More »Have you heard of Unspunnen?
Every dozen years or so, crowds flock to the Unspunnen Festival that features the best of Swiss traditions: alphorn music, Schwingen wrestling, flag throwing and a feat of strength to see who can throw an 83.5kg stone the furthest. This year it's in Interlaken. (SRF/ --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles,...
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