Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.17% to 1.1452 CHF EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, October 03(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Firm US interest rates and a strong manufacturing ISM yesterday help support the greenback, while disappointing construction PMI in the UK weighs on sterling. The euro briefly slipped below $1.17 in Asia for the first time in six weeks. It...
Read More »Another Look at Why the Return to Capital is Low
(summary of presentation based on my book, Political Economy of Tomorrow, delivered to Bank Credit Analyst conference yesterday) Alice laughed. There is no use trying; she said, “one can’t believe impossible things.” I dare say you haven’t had much practice, said the queen. When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. — Lewis...
Read More »“This Is A Crisis Greater Than Any Government Can Handle”: The $400 Trillion Global Retirement Gap
Today we’ll continue to size up the bull market in governmental promises. As we do so, keep an old trader’s slogan in mind: “That which cannot go on forever, won’t.” Or we could say it differently: An unsustainable trend must eventually stop. Lately I have focused on the trend in US public pension funds, many of which are woefully underfunded and will never be able to pay workers the promised benefits, at least without...
Read More »Gold Matches S&P 500 Performance In First 3 Quarters; Up 12% 2017 YTD
– Gold climbs over 12% in YTD, matching S&P500 performance– Palladium best performing market, surges 36% 2017 YTD– Gold outperforms Nikkei 225, Euro Stoxx 50, FTSE and ISEQ– Geo-political concerns including Trump and North Korea supporting gold– Safe haven demand should push gold higher in Q4 – Owning physical gold not dependent on third party websites and technology remains essential Year to Date Relative...
Read More »Eurozone: Distinct Lack of Good Faith
The erosion of social order in any historical or geographic context is gradual; until it isn’t. Germany has always followed a keen sense of this process, having experienced it to every possible extreme between the World Wars. Hyperinflationary collapse doesn’t happen overnight; it took three years for the Weimar mark to disintegrate, and then Weimar Germany. Even Nazism wasn’t all it once. What was required was...
Read More »Fed Quack Treatments are Causing the Stagnation
Bleeding the Patient to Health There’s something alluring about cure-alls and quick fixes. Who doesn’t want a magic panacea to make every illness or discomfort disappear? Such a yearning once compelled the best and the brightest minds to believe the impossible for over two thousand years. Instantaneous relief! No matter what your affliction is, snake oil cures them all. - Click to enlarge For example, from antiquity...
Read More »Charles Hugh Smith On Why Wages Are Stagnant In The Developed World
Click here for the full transcript:
Read More »Rappel: Que sont devenus les excédents de la balance courante de la Suisse
Le professeur Tille, membre du conseil de banque de la BNS nous présente un graphique ci-dessous avec une courbe verte qui est l’accumulation des excédents de la balance courante de la Suisse. Rappelons que les soldes de TARGET2 sont précisément les soldes -excédents/déficits- de la balance courante. Les excédents de l’Allemagne serviraient à combler les déficits des autres, en échange bien évidemment de reconnaissances...
Read More »Swiss Retail Sales, August 2017: -0.6 percent Nominal and -0.3 percent Real
The Used Goods Question Retail sales in several countries like Germany, Japan and Switzerland continue to fall or they remain steady for years. In the United States they have strongly risen recently. We should remind readers, that used goods sold via Ebay or similar, are not contained in this statistics. Still they create economic value for the purchases. By mentality, Swiss, Germans or Japanese pay more attention so...
Read More »FX Daily, October 02: Dollar Upbeat to Start Fourth Quarter
Swiss Franc The Euro has fallen by 0.30% to 1.1404 CHF EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, October 02(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates The US dollar is broadly higher as the quarter-end positioning losses seen at the end of last week area reversed. Developments in the US are seen as dollar positive, while the Catalonia-Madrid conflict, and slightly softer EMU...
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