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Tyler Curtis

Articles by Tyler Curtis

SVB’s Failure Is Not an Excuse for More Regulation

April 4, 2023

Recently, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), a bank that was heavily involved in cryptocurrency, collapsed. Naturally, Democrats want to exploit the situation to rush through new regulations. But that will only make the problem worse.
The failure of Silicon Valley Bank, a forty-year old, $200 billion bank, has caused many to worry about the country’s economic stability. Among the concerned is Senator Elizabeth Warren, who wants to reinstate some of the defunct banking regulations from the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010.
But the failure of SVB would not have been prevented by more government intervention. On the contrary, the government itself—by driving up inflation and making it difficult to hedge against interest rate risk—is partially responsible for the collapse of this bank.

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Grover Cleveland Presented the Best Example of a True Liberal Populist

December 23, 2022

Six years after the election of Donald Trump, the Republican Party is still adrift. On the one hand, the GOP has embraced an antiestablishment and populist message. On the other hand, Republicans have not quite figured out how to balance populism with classically liberal values like constitutionalism and free markets. Indeed, populism and classical liberalism seem to be in direct conflict.
Questions remain about how Republican populists will regulate (or not regulate) Big Tech, how they will protect blue-collar jobs without limiting economic freedom, and how they will push back against political elites without destroying vital institutions.
Ironically, the politician that populist-minded Republicans should look to for guidance was a Democrat: Grover Cleveland

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More Protectionism and Regulation Won’t Fix the Economy

May 13, 2020

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and its attendant economic strains, some protectionists and anti-immigration ideologues are trying to take advantage of this opportunity to advance their nationalist agenda. They argue that if the United States had restricted international trade and immigration more thoroughly in the past, as President Trump had fought to achieve, the public health crisis could have been curtailed. Some are also arguing that imposing further restrictions will strengthen the economy and protect Americans from the coronavirus.
Both of these assertions are demonstrably incorrect.
Should Employers Be Allowed to Hire Whom They Want?
On April 20, Trump announced via Twitter that in order to combat the “Invisible Enemy” and to protect Americans’ jobs,

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