Monday , July 1 2024
Home / SNB & CHF (page 1358)


The SNB’s Currency Interventions

On the FT’s Alphaville blog, Matthew Klein reviews Swiss monetary policy over the last years and its effect on the real economy. He concludes that it seems the SNB’s relentless accumulation of foreign assets has been pointless — at best. More likely, the behaviour qualifies as predatory mercantilism at the expense of the rest of the world, especially Switzerland’s hard-hit neighbours. SNB Holdings, 2001 - 2017(see...

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Emerging Markets: Preview of the Week Ahead

Stock Markets EM FX closed last week on a firm note as weak US jobs data supported the notion that the Fed will find it hard to tighten in H2.  No major US data will be reported this week and the FOMC embargo for the June 14will be in effect.  As such, there is little on the near-term horizon that might help the dollar, so it’s likely to remain on the defensive this week. As always, political risk in EM remains...

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FX Weekly Preview: ECB Meeting and UK Election Key Drivers in Week Ahead

Summary: ECB may take a baby step toward the exit of extraordinary monetary policy by confirming rates are unlikely to be cut further and the risks are roughly balanced. UK election is coming down to the wire. In the US, former FBI director Comey is set to testify, and leaks of two Fed appointments overshadow mostly second-tier economic data. This week’s two main events, the ECB meeting and the UK national election...

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FX Weekly Preview: ECB Meeting and UK Election Key Drivers in Week Ahead

Summary: ECB may take a baby step toward the exit of extraordinary monetary policy by confirming rates are unlikely to be cut further and the risks are roughly balanced. UK election is coming down to the wire. In the US, former FBI director Comey is set to testify, and leaks of two Fed appointments overshadow mostly second-tier economic data. This week’s two main events, the ECB meeting and the UK national election...

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Sweeteners proposed for revised corporate tax reform

The country needs to reform corporation tax while mitigating economic fallout. The government will consider a package of voter-friendly sweeteners, including extra child benefits, as it strives to breathe new life into controversial company tax reforms. The new proposals come less than four months after Swiss voters rejected a major overhaul of the corporation tax landscape. At the time, in February, voters felt that...

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Switzerland remains competitive despite issues

Switzerland is rarely out of the top three in competitiveness rankings - Click to enlarge The strong franc and corporate tax uncertainty have failed to dislodge Switzerland from second place in an annual ranking of the world’s most competitive economies. The alpine state was also judged by the Lausanne-based IMD business school to have the world’s eighth best digital capability. For the second year in a row,...

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Switzerland remains competitive despite issues

Switzerland is rarely out of the top three in competitiveness rankings - Click to enlarge The strong franc and corporate tax uncertainty have failed to dislodge Switzerland from second place in an annual ranking of the world’s most competitive economies. The alpine state was also judged by the Lausanne-based IMD business school to have the world’s eighth best digital capability. For the second year in a row,...

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Great Graphic: Iron Ore and the Australian Dollar

This Great Graphic, from Bloomberg, shows the correlation between the price of iron ore and the Australian dollar on a rolling 60-day basis over the past year.  The correlation is  a little more than 0.81. The relationship is the tightest since last August. This is purely directional. The correlation weakens considerably if we look at returns. When conducted on the basis of percentage change, the correlation drops to a...

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Uncertainty Thanks to Twitter and UK Elections

Gold hits five-week high Reaches $1,273.74/oz, highest since April 25th Sterling recovers after UK polls point towards a hung Parliament Expected Fed-tightening capped gains 90-dead in Kabul, further signs of increasing tension in Middle East Trump expected to pull out of Paris Accord and Trump’s anti-Iran axis already feuding Yesterday gold hit $1,273.74/oz, a level not seen for five weeks. Analysts point to some...

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How Debt-Asset Bubbles Implode: The Supernova Model of Financial Collapse

When debt-asset bubbles expand at rates far above the expansion of earnings and real-world productive wealth, their collapse is inevitable. The Supernova model of financial collapse is one way to understand this. As I noted yesterday in Will the Crazy Global Debt Bubble Ever End?, I’ve used the Supernova analogy for years, but didn’t properly explain why it illuminates the dynamics of financial bubbles imploding....

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