Swiss Franc EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, May 23(see more posts on EUR/CHF, ) - Click to enlarge FX Rates The US dollar cannot get out of its own way, it seems. With a light economic schedule, there is little to offset the continued drumbeat of troubling political developments. The latest turn, as reported first in the Washington Post, that President Trump asked heads of intelligence groups to also publicly deny...
Read More »Swiss agriculture under fire at WTO
The Swiss agriculture sector is “vulnerable” to competition, says the WTO. (Keystone) The European Union and the United States have criticised Switzerland for the over-protection of its agricultural sector. Responding to the questions raised at the Geneva-based World Trade Organization (WTO), Switzerland said it would make an effort to ease protections, on condition that other member states do likewise. The statements...
Read More »Swiss authorities concerned about health impact of certain chemicals
© Gyuszko | 20 Minutes. A pilot bio-monitoring project in Switzerland will measure traces of pollutants and micronutrient and endocrine disruptors in organic samples. According to 20 Minutes, the impact of certain chemical products worries the authorities. The pilot project was launched last week by the executive branch of Switzerland’s government, known as the Federal Council. Depending on the results, a...
Read More »Bi-Weekly Economic Review
The economic data releases since the last update were generally upbeat but markets are forward looking and the future apparently isn’t to their liking. Of course, it is hard to tell sometimes whether bonds, the dollar and stocks are responding to the real economy or the one people hope Donald Trump can deliver when he isn’t busy contradicting his communications staff. Politics has been front and center recently but...
Read More »Swiss Trade Balance April 2017: Exports Stagnate
We do not like Purchasing Power or Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) as measurement for currencies. For us, the trade balance decides if a currency is overvalued. Only the trade balance can express productivity gains, while the REER assumes constant productivity in comparison to trade partners. Who has read Michael Pettis, knows that a rising trade surplus may also be caused by a higher savings rate while the trade...
Read More »The Gnome Underpants Gold Model – Precious Metals Supply and Demand
See the introduction and the video for the terms gold basis, co-basis, backwardation and contango. How to Earn Money that Will Soon be Worthless Real Quick There is a often-promoted plan to grow your wealth. Here’s the background. The dollar is going to be worthless. Soon! The reason is because [their peeps in high places tell them / the Chinese / end of the petrodollar / historical fiat currencies / Rothschild Jekyll...
Read More »FX Daily, May 22: Dollar Pushes Back
Swiss Franc EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, May 22(see more posts on EUR/CHF, ) - Click to enlarge FX Rates After being shellacked last week, the US dollar is trading with a firmer bias against all the major currencies, but the euro and New Zealand dollar. To be sure, it is not that a new development has emerged to take investors’ minds from intensifying political uncertainty in the US. Rather it seems to be simply...
Read More »Swiss Press Reacts Positively to Energy Legislation
A majority of commentators in Swiss newspapers are pleased with voters’ decision to withdraw from nuclear power and promote renewable energies, even if the government’s energy strategy leaves many open questions. A big win for the Swiss energy minister - Click to enlarge The Basler Zeitung sees a “change of direction with numerous open questions” following Sunday’s vote (58% of voters) in favour of Energy...
Read More »Weekly Speculative Positions (as of May 16): Yen and Aussie Bears Push Forward, while Sterling Bears Continue to Run for Cover
Swiss Franc Speculators were net short CHF in January 2015, shortly before the end of the peg, with 26.4K contracts. Then again in December 2015, when they expected a Fed rate hike, with 25.5K contracts. The biggest short CHF, however, happened in June 2007, when speculators were net short 80K contracts. Shortly after, the U.S. subprime crisis started. The carry trade against CHF collapsed. The...
Read More »FX Weekly Preview: Nothing Like A Good US Drama
Summary: US drama distracts from the difficult and ambitious economic program. European and Japanese developments have been constructive. Bank of Canada is the only G7 central bank that meets, and it is not expected to shift from its cautious stance. The no-drama Obama has given way to “The Donald” who appears to be providing more melodrama than an Emmy-winning soap opera. To be sure it is not just him. Hope...
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