Die US-Notenbank hat die Leitzinsen diese Woche erneut um 0,75 Basispunkte erhöht, und die US-Wirtschaft ist im zweiten Quartal – technisch betrachtet – in eine Rezession gerutscht. Das Asset Allocation Committee von Neuberger Berman gibt eine aktuelle Einschätzung zu Assetklassen und Marktentwicklungen.
Read More »A muddled message from The Fed
If you have decided to buy gold bullion or to buy silver coins in the last few months then you may have been delighted with how last night’s Fed press conference went. If you’re still wondering if or how to invest in gold then it might be worth paying attention to what central banks are doing in the coming weeks. After all, how do central banks make their decisions when it comes to monetary policy? In years before it might have been quite straightforward...
Read More »“Inflation ist der Übertragungsmechanismus für alle anderen Risiken, die uns drohen”
Die Politik der Zentralbanken werde diesmal zu besseren Ergebnissen führen als in den 1970er Jahren, als die Weltwirtschaft in eine tiefe Rezession stürzte, meint Paolo Corredig, Länderchef Schweiz bei T. Rowe Price. Das neue Paradigma an den Anlagemärkten erfordere aber, dass Anleger genau auf ihre Zeithorizonte und ihre Risikotoleranz achten.
Read More »Inflation: Noch ist der Gipfel nicht erreicht
Die Inflation in den USA ist im Juni auf Jahresbasis stärker als erwartet auf 9,1% gestiegen. Jonathan Baltora von AXA Investment Managers erwartet, dass der Höhepunkt auch im Euroraum und in Grossbritannien erst noch bevorsteht. Er hält den Ausblick für inflationsindexierte Anleihen weiterhin für durchaus interessant.
Read More »Zinssenkung der Fed erwartet
Um die sich ausbreitende Inflation unter Kontrolle zu bringen, wird die US-Notenbank am Mittwoch laut Thomas Stucki von der St. Galler Kantonalbank eine Zinserhöhung von 0.75% beschliessen. Nach zusätzlichen Zinserhöhungen werde der Leitzins in den USA Ende 2022 bei rund 3.50% liegen. Bereits im ersten Halbjahr 2023 dürfte dann die erste Zinssenkung der Fed folgen.
Read More »When Rock begins to beat Paper
When you choose to invest in gold it can be confusing to know the best way to add it to your portfolio. Should you buy gold bullion? Should you buy a gold ETF? Or maybe gold mining shares?It’s a minefield! Here at GoldCore, we see it very simply: if you want to get all of the benefits of holding gold then you should own physical gold. Because if you can’t hold it then you don’t own it. Never before has this philosophy been more pertinent than in the last few...
Read More »Long Term Gold Price Prediction
What do the weather and the markets have in common? Quite a bit says this week’s guest! Kevin Wadsworth is a meteorologist-turned-chart analyst who has a lot of interesting insight and predictions into market movements and the price of gold. Kevin joins GoldCore TV host Dave Russell to discuss how he applies his 35 years of experience and methodology to financial markets. He takes us through the range of outcomes he sees for the economy, the US Dollar and precious...
Read More »Inflation Crisis 2022 – Marc Faber Interview (Full)
Tune into GoldCore TV where we have just released the full, frank and direct interview with Dr. Marc Faber of the Gloom, Boom, Doom Report in a no-holds barred interview. Following on from the excerpts shown on last week’s The M3 Report we have today released the full interview with the highly-respected veteran of the investment space. Dr. Faber chats inflation, the downfall of central bankers and the war against Putin. Also, find out what the best advice he ever...
Read More »Calm before the Storm?
Overview: The biggest rally in the S&P 500 in three weeks helped lift global equities today. The MSCI Asia Pacific index rose for the third consecutive session, the longest streak this month. Europe’s Stoxx 600 is up for a fourth day and is at its best level since mid-June. US futures are firmer. The rally in equities has not spurred a rise in rates. The US 10-year yield is back below 3%, and European benchmark yields are mostly 5-8 bp lower, though signs that a...
Read More »Weekly Market Pulse: There Is No Certainty In Investing
Investors crave certainty. They want to know that there are definitive signals for them to follow as they adjust their investments to fit the current market and economy. They want to know that A leads to B leads to C. Tea leaf readers are always in high demand on Wall Street and they continue to find employment despite their almost universally dismal track record. In this case, it is demand that drives supply rather than the other way around. The constant demand for...
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