A Return To Normalcy In the first two years after a newly elected President takes office he enacts a major tax cut that primarily benefits the wealthy and significantly raises tariffs on imports. His foreign policy is erratic but generally pulls the country back from foreign commitments. He also works to reduce immigration and roll back regulations enacted by his predecessor. This President is widely rumored to have...
Read More »China’s Eurodollar Story Reaches Its Final Chapters
Imagine yourself as a rural Chinese farmer. Even the term “farmer” makes it sound better than it really is. This is a life out of the 19th century, subsistence at best the daily struggle just to survive. Flourishing is a dream. Only, you can see just on the other side of the hill the bright reflective lights of one of China’s many glittering modern cities. Not only are you reminded of the stark difference between what...
Read More »That’s A Big Minus
Goods require money to finance both their production as well as their movements. They need oil and energy for the same reasons. If oil and money markets were drastically awful for a few months before December, and then purely chaotic during December, Mario Draghi of all people should’ve been paying attention. China put up some bad trade numbers for last month, but Europe’s goods downturn came first. According to...
Read More »Spreading Sour Not Soar
We are starting to get a better sense of what happened to turn everything so drastically in December. Not that we hadn’t suspected while it was all taking place, but more and more in January the economic data for the last couple months of 2018 backs up the market action. These were no speculators looking to break Jay Powell, probing for weakness in Mario Draghi’s resolve. There are real economic processes underneath....
Read More »Rate of Change
We’ve got to change our ornithological nomenclature. Hawks become doves because they are chickens underneath. Doves became hawks for reasons they don’t really understand. A fingers-crossed policy isn’t a robust one, so there really was no reason to expect the economy to be that way. In January 2019, especially the past few days, there are so many examples of flighty birds. Here’s an especially obvious, egregious one...
Read More »Nordea AM baut ESG-Fondspalette aus
Glacier National Park in Montana, USA (Bild: Unsplash) Mit der Auflegung eines neuen und auf Nordamerika konzentrierten Fonds erweitert Nordea AM die STARS-Aktienfonds-Familie, einer Gruppe von Fonds mit ESG-Fokus. Wie alle Fonds in der STARS-Fondsfamilie verfolgt der Nordea 1 – North American Stars Equity Fund den STARS-Ansatz. Mit dem neuen Fonds umfasst die Familie nun sechs Strategien,...
Read More »Schweiz auf dem Podest im Nachhaltigkeits-Länderranking
Bild: Unsplash Das aktuelle Country Sustainability Ranking von RobecoSAM zeigt keine Überraschungen. Die skandinavischen Länder und auch die Schweiz haben ihre Führungspositionen gefestigt, während Indien und China weiterhin zu den schwächsten ESG-Performern gehören. Das halbjährlich erscheinende Country Sustainability Ranking Update von RobecoSAM vom November 2018, zeigt Schweden als alleinigen...
Read More »You Know It’s Coming
After a horrible December and a rough start to the year, as if manna from Heaven the clouds parted and everything seemed good again. Not 2019 this was early February 2015. If there was a birth date for Janet Yellen’s “transitory” canard it surely came within this window. It didn’t matter that currencies had crashed and oil, too, or that central banks had been drawn into the fray in very unexpected ways. Actually it...
Read More »Fondstrends-Umfrage: Wie geht es weiter mit dem Handelskrieg?
Bild: Pixabay Anfang Dezember 2018 haben die USA und China einen 90-tägigen Waffenstillstand im Handelskrieg vereinbart. In der Fondstrends-Umfrage denkt eine grosse Mehrheit der Teilnehmer, dass der Konflikt dennoch weitergehen wird. Am G20-Gipfel Anfang Dezember 2018 sind US-Präsident Donald Trump und Chinas Staats- und Parteichef Xi Jinping übereingekommen, den Handelskrieg vorübergehend bis...
Read More »Ausblick 2019: Stagflation tritt in Aktion
Bild: Unsplash Im Jahr 2019 wird gemäss Keith Wade von Schroders ein eher stagflationäres Umfeld global Einzug halten. Ausserdem werden Zentralbanken ihre Geldpolitik weiter straffen. Von weiteren Abwertungen des US-Dollars profitieren Schwellenländeranleihen. "Obwohl die Weltwirtschaft weiter wächst, bestehen Anzeichen dafür, dass das Wachstum seinen Zenit überschritten hat, da es sowohl in den...
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