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Switzerland UBS Consumption Indicator August: A pleasant end to summer

The Swiss consumption indicator by UBS shows improvements. The indicator is still distant from the highs in 2012. At the time stronger growth in Emerging Markets and the weaker franc helped the Swiss economy. The UBS consumption indicator increased to 1.53 points in August thanks to robust new car registrations and encouraging numbers of hotel stays by Swiss residents, indicating consumption growth slightly above the...

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Lost Greek temple found by Swiss scholars

A Swiss-led team of archaeologists in Greece has made a spectacular find: the temple of Artemis, a famous open-air sanctuary of antiquity. (SRF/  --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: Channel:...

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FX Daily, September 26: Weekend Election and North Korea Rhetoric Helps Greenback Remain Firm

Swiss Franc The Euro has fallen by 0.01% to 1.1446 CHF. EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, September 26(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates The US dollar is firmer against most major currencies today. The implications the Jamaica coalition in Germany is understood to be less likely to support a new vision for Europe in the aftermath of Brexit and the Great Financial Crisis....

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Les Suissesses et les Suisses disent OUI à leurs paysans! ATS

Les Suisses ont accepté par 78,7% de compléter la Constitution par un article sur la sécurité alimentaire. Les Romands ont été les plus enthousiastes. Les Suisses sont très attachés à la sécurité alimentaire. Dimanche, 78,7% d’entre-eux ont dit «oui». Aucun canton n’a refusé. Environ 1’943’000 citoyens ont déposé un «oui» dans l’urne, contre un peu moins de 525’000 «non». Les cantons les moins convaincus ont été Schwyz...

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“Backdrop For Gold Today Is As Bullish As It Has Been In A Long Time” – GoldCore Dublin

Gold finished sharply higher on Monday, recouping roughly half of last week’s loss, as declines in the U.S. stock market and growing tensions between the U.S. and North Korea lifted prices for the yellow metal to the highest settlement in more than a week. December gold rose $14, or 1.1%, to settle at $1,311.50 an ounce. Prices, which lost about 2.1% last week, saw their highest finish since Sept. 15, according to...

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Swimming The ‘Dollar’ Current (And Getting Nowhere)

The People’s Bank of China reported this week that its holdings of foreign assets fell slightly again in August 2017. Down about RMB 21 billion, almost identical to the RMB 22 billion decline in July, the pace of forex withdrawals is clearly much preferable to what China’s central bank experienced (intentionally or not) late last year at ten and even twenty times the rate of July and August. The US Treasury Department...

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Swiss Balance of Payments and International Investment Position: Q2 2017

Q2/2017 Change vs. Q2/2016 Changein % Current Account +18.7 bn. +19.4 bn. -3.7% of which Goods Trade net +19.6 bn. +19.2 bn. +2.0% of which Services Trade net +4.1 bn. +4.7 bn. -14.6% of which Investment Income net +7.4 bn. +9.6 bn. -29.7% Financial Account +12.5 bn. +6.0 bn. +52% of which Direct Investments net -63.0 bn. +6.4 bn. -89.8% of which Portfolio Investments net +26.5 bn. -0.5 bn. +98.1% of...

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Bi-Weekly Economic Review: As Good As It Gets

The incoming economic data hasn’t changed its tone all that much in the last several years. The US economy is growing but more slowly than it once did and we hope it does again. It is frustrating for economic bulls and bears, never fully satisfying either. Probably more important is the frustration of the average American, a dissatisfaction with the status quo that permeates the national debate. The housing bubble...

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FX Daily, September 25: Euro and Kiwi Dragged Lower

Swiss Franc The Euro has fallen by 0.37% to 1.1538 CHF. EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, September 25(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates The end of the Grand Coalition in Germany and the need for a coalition in New Zealand are weighing on the respective currencies. The euro was marked down in Asia and briefly dipped below $1.19 before recovering to $1.1940 by the middle of...

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Swiss expats buck the pension reform trend

Interior Minister Alain Berset was more successful at convincing Swiss abroad of his reforms than those at home (Keystone) - Click to enlarge Unlike their compatriots in Switzerland, Swiss voters who live abroad came out massively in favour of a wide-ranging overhaul of Switzerland’s old-age pension scheme. Eleven of Switzerland’s 26 cantons count the votes of Swiss expats separately. An analysis of Sunday’s...

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