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Poll: Most Swiss back 30km/h speed limit in urban areas

In September the city of Lausanne introduced a 30km/h speed limit on 122 streets between 10pm-6am to reduce noise pollution – a Swiss first. Keystone / Jean-christophe Bott Most Swiss residents would be in favour of a 30 kilometre (18 miles) per hour speed limit in urban areas, a survey has found. A poll by the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (BPA), published on TuesdayExternal link, found that 52% of respondents support a 30km/h speed limit on city streets. An...

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Fabrice Testa on Super Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a method, and it’s also a mindset. Fabrice Testa has written a book that brilliantly integrates the two: he calls the integration “Super Entrepreneurship,” and his book title is therefore Super Entrepreneurship Decoded (Mises.org/E4B_139_Book). He has the appropriate credentials as a proven super-entrepreneur who has created and nurtured numerous great companies (and successfully sold a couple of them). Fabrice knows the true meaning of the...

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Living in Switzerland as a Muslim

The Swiss population has voted in favour of banning face coverings, in a vote known as the 'burka ban', in March 2021. They had already voted in favour of banning the construction of minarets in November 2009. What is it like to grow up, and live, as a Muslim in Switzerland? Muslims are the third largest religious community in the small Alpine nation. Despite this, its members say they still face discriminations because they believe in Islam. We met Maymunah in Bern: the young Muslim...

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Dollar Yen, Interest Rates, and Much More! Marc Chandler Traders Summit Trading Interview

Marc Chandler from Bannockburn Global Forex discusses the breakout in the USDJPY and how the JPY could weaken further into a new “range” from the 110.00-115.00. For those traders looking for more, you may want to listen in. Also, could the “carry trade” be coming back? And he also talks about what rate expectations are saying about central banks globally, like the FOMC, BOE and BOC and does that fit what the central banks are really doing? Global Financial Markets...

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The Euro Remains Within Last Wednesday’s Range

Overview:  A weak close in US equity trading yesterday and the widening of China's "cultural revolution" for a two-month investigation of the financial sector stopped a three-day advance in the MSCI Asia Pacific Index.  China, South Korea, and Taiwan saw more than a 1% decline in their major indices.  All the major indices weakened.  South Korea's Kospi fell to a new marginal low for the year and took the won with it.  The Dow Jones Stoxx 600 in Europe is off around...

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Global capital flows: how poor countries finance the rich

Switzerland’s economic conditions make it attractive for financial flows from developing countries © Keystone / Gaetan Bally It’s an economist’s conundrum: global capital, instead of flowing from rich countries to poor countries, actually moves in the other direction. Each year hundreds of billions of dollars leave developing countries and land in the coffers of rich countries like Switzerland. An “unprecedented” $160 billion (CHF149 billion) – about the same amount...

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Swiss unemployment down, especially among young

© Mcherevan | Dreamstime.com Unemployment fell from 2.7% to 2.6% in September 2021 in Switzerland, with a sharp drop among those aged 15 to 24, reported RTS. By the end of September 2021, just over 200,000 people were looking for employment in Switzerland according to Switzerland’s standard measure, which is focused on those registered with the official unemployment office, something required to collect unemployment benefits. However, it means some who run out the 2...

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SHIBA INU Rallye stellt Bitcoin in den Schatten

Der Dogecoin Clone SHIBA INU (SHIB) hat die Top 15 der Cryptocoins erreicht. Mit einer intensiven Rallye hat SHIB sogar das aktuelle Bitcoin-Plus in den Schatten gestellt – in der Spitze legte SHIBA INU um 400 Prozent zu. Crypto News: SHIBA INU Rallye stellt Bitcoin in den Schatten Im Wochenvergleich konnte SHIB immerhin noch fast 300 Prozent zulegen. Der Hunde-Coin wurde damit in den letzten Tagen zum heißesten Eisen des Marktes. Doch wieder einmal waren es nichts...

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For The Love Of Unemployment Rates

Here we are again. The labor force. The numbers from the BLS are simply staggering. During September 2021, the government believes it shrank for another month, down by 183,000 when compared to August. This means that the Labor Force Participation rate declined slightly to 61.6%, practically the same level in this key metric going back to June. Last June. These millions, yes, millions (see: below), are being excluded from the official labor force therefore...

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Biden Bizarrely Claims That Government Spending Is Costless

There is only one way to describe the fiscal mindset of those in the White House and in Congress who are proposing new federal budgetary expenditure and taxing increases in the trillions of dollars: a fantasy land of financial irrationality. The Biden administration insists on additions to the already bloated American welfare state that will see an expansion in entitlement programs and increased societal dependency on government largess not implemented since Lyndon...

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