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Behind Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, and the Great Reset: Part 3

Bob continues his series on Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset, highlighting an interesting remark in Biden’s SOTU, Strobe Talbott’s open support for global government, and the introduction to Schwab’s book on Covid-19 and the Great Reset. Mentioned in the Episode and Other Links of Interest: Part 1 and Part 2 of this series The WEF’s bio for its founder, Klaus Schwab Schwab’s books The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Covid-19 and the Great Reset Bob’s first...

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EU will Russland auch im Bereich Cryptocoins sanktionieren

Gestern gab die Europäische Union offiziell bekannt, dass Cryptocoins für sie unter die Bezeichnung „Transferable Securities“ fallen. Diese Bezeichnung taucht aktuell in der Liste der möglichen Sanktionen gegen Russland auf. Damit dürfte die EU auch Bitcoin und Co. ins Auge fassen. Crypto News: EU will Russland auch im Bereich Cryptocoins sanktionierenIn dem Bestreben Druck auf die russische Regierung auszuüben, hat der Westen die finanziellen Daumenschrauben bei...

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Customs in 2021: more product piracy and non-compliant animal imports

Bern, 03.10.2022 – The figures for the year 2021 from the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (OFDF) are again marked by the COVID pandemic. Due to the boom in e-commerce, the number of shipments seized for product piracy has once again increased significantly. Cases in the field of animal protection have also increased sharply. In addition, the number of records of migrants who entered Switzerland irregularly was higher than in 2020. Receipts increased...

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Why Sanctions Don’t Work, and Why They Mostly Hurt Ordinary People

The United States and its western European allies have in recent days repeatedly increased economic sanctions against not only the Russian regime, but against millions of ordinary Russians. It has done this by cutting much of Russian trade and Russian finance out of international markets. Moody’s and S&P global have both downgraded Russia’s credit rating. The US has frozen Russian reserves and cut many Russian banks off from SWIFT, the international banking...

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This is Not The Silver Breakout You’re Looking For!

To listen to the audio version of this article click here. Every once in a while, one regrets not acting sooner, or not acting soon enough. In our case, we did not publish this Tuesday evening. We should have. Today the price is down, and others may also call for lower silver prices. Oh well. Our consolation is that they most likely are not calling for lower silver prices based on the same indicator we observe. The basis. Here is the chart. Silver Price Basis Chart...

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So Much Fragile *Cannot* Be Random Deflationary Coincidences

At first glance, or first exposure to this, there doesn’t seem to be any reason why all these so many pieces could be related. Outwardly, from the mainstream perspective, anyway, you’d think them random, and even if somehow correlated they’re supposed to be in the opposite way from what’s happened. Too much money, they said. It began with the Fed’s Reverse Repo (RRP) use suddenly going nuts. From seemingly out of nowhere, this was mid-March last year, and, from what...

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Why Putin Probably Hasn’t Doomed the Dollar

In this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop look at the economic consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. What has been the damage from America’s weaponization of the dollar? Is Russia likely to return to the gold standard? What may be the fallout in Europe? Recommended Reading “Can Government Successfully Counter Recessions Through Expansionary Policies? Don’t Count on It” by Frank Shostak: Mises.org/RR_72_A “Sanctions against Russia Are...

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Switzerland listed as ‘unfriendly’ country by Russia

In addition to Western sanctions, many big companies have temporarily shuttered operations or exited Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. Keystone / Yuri Kochetkov Russia has drawn up a list of around 50 countries, including Switzerland, that have committed “unfriendly actions” against Russia, its companies and citizens, in the wake of severe economic sanctions over the war in Ukraine, the Russian state media agency TASS reports. Moscow published the list on Monday...

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Pushing toward Nuclear War

According to Yahoo! News, “More than two dozen foreign policy experts have called for the United States and NATO to institute a partial no-fly zone over Ukraine, which would serve as an escalation of the conflict with Russia.” Joining them is Illinois Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger, who also happens to be a former Air Force combat officer. That would mean the U.S. military would be shooting down Russian planes containing Russian soldiers.  So far, the idea is...

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