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Augusto Bottari

Articles by Augusto Bottari

Milei Tries to Tackle Rent Control in Argentina

April 11, 2024

The major cities of the world have been facing housing problems for years. With the increase of immigrants and of people experiencing homelessness, the discussion about housing regulation has intensified.The West, once a bastion of ideas of freedom and free markets, continues to harbor central planners whose delusions of omnipotence are paid for by the misfortune of ordinary people as the regulation attempts of these planners fail because such rental laws were not implemented “well enough.”It is not difficult to become familiar with these cases as they may possibly be part of one’s own personal experience when renting a house or an apartment. Stepping back a bit, we find large cities full of vacant housing units and people in deplorable conditions. The universal

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Javier Milei Understands the Road to Serfdom

February 26, 2024

Javier Milei is trying to undo the damage created by nearly a century of socialism in Argentina. Mises, Rothbard, and Hayek were good teachers.
Original Article: Javier Milei Understands the Road to Serfdom

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Javier Milei Understands the Road to Serfdom

February 12, 2024

Each week we encounter mouthwatering policies implemented by the newly elected libertarian president of Argentina Javier Milei. He has the libertarian community in awe.
His arrival to politics with an openly antisystem discourse shook not only the local scene in Argentina but also the rest of the world.
But how? The respective libertarian parties in each country barely get enough votes to even appear on the main grid on election night!
There are numerous reasons as to why this may be. We libertarians know ourselves well and no one with a minimum of self-criticism is surprised that our current situation in party politics is such. While political culture differs by country, our internal ideological discussions as libertarians are the same.
While there’s no formula

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