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Tag Archives: Credit Suisse

BKW und Credit Suisse beteiligen sich an Europas grösstem Onshore-Windpark

Zusammen mit vier institutionellen Anlegern hat die BKW einen Anteil von 40 Prozent an Fosen Vind DA übernommen. Insgesamt werden in den Jahren 2018 bis 2020 sechs Windparks ans Netz angeschlossen. Das Projekt Fosen Vind ist das momentan grösste Onshore-Windkraftprojekt in Europa. Es wurde bereits früher in Erwägung gezogen, in der Region um Trondheim Windparks zu bauen, weil dort ideale Windverhältnisse herrschen. Dank der intensiven Zusammenarbeit von Statkraft, TrønderEnergi, BKW...

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CSA Real Estate Germany will CHF 50 Mio. aufnehmen

FINANZ'16 gut besucht 05.02.2016 - Mit 6600 Besuchern verzeichnete die FINANZ'16 am 3. und 4. Februar trotz wackeligem Börsenumfeld einen hohen Zulauf.  Mehr... WisdomTree und Vanguard kotieren ETFs 04.02.2016 - WisdomTree legt einen Emerging Asia Equity ETF sowie neue Anteilsklassen für bestehende währungsgesicherten Fonds auf. Vanguard kotiert zudem vier aktive ETFs an der SIX Swiss Exchange.  Mehr... Strukibranche wird transparenter 03.02.2016 - Die neue quartalsweise Marktstatistik...

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Unlocking Brazil’s Long-Term Growth Potential

Brazil has certainly had its share of trials and tribulations lately: The economy is in recession, inflation is on the rise, budget deficits are widening, its sovereign debt rating has been downgraded, and the political environment is challenging. Yet, the country still has a lot going for it. It remains the largest economy in Latin America, and one that is rich in resources ranging from agricultural products to industrial metals. Home to some of the continent’s strongest political...

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Global Growth, Commodities, and the Lessons of Brazil

China’s ongoing economic slump has sparked turmoil on world markets, but it’s been particularly challenging for Brazil, which ships 40 percent of its exports to the country. How much does Brazil stand to gain from a stabilization in Chinese demand? Find out what Credit Suisse Chief Economist James Sweeney had to say at Credit Suisse’s 2016 Latin America Investment Conference about the outlook for China and its consequences for Brazil.  

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Brazil’s Fiscal Imbalance: A Way Forward

Economists and executives at Credit Suisse’s 2016 Latin America Investment Conference agreed that Brazil should make getting its fiscal house in order a top priority as a first step toward re-igniting growth. But that will require a delicate balancing act. Watch the video to hear Mansueto Almeida, a researcher at the Brazilian Institute of Applied Economics (IPEA), explain Brazil’s budget challenges.  

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Tightening in March? The Odds Are Dwindling

As soon as the Federal Reserve hiked interest rates in December 2015, market participants wanted to know how soon they’d do it again. After January served up negative economic surprises and volatility in global financial markets, the Fed held its fire at its January 27 meeting. While a March hike seemed plausible just a month ago, Credit Suisse economists say the odds of a first-quarter rate increase have fallen south of 50 percent. June is now the most likely date for the next hike.  ...

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What’s Different About Young China

Chinese young people born after 1990 are happy to spend money on things their parents and older siblings would likely have considered frivolous, but they’re also much more discerning consumers than previous generations. How will Young China’s attitude toward consumption affect their buying behavior? Watch the video to hear Vincent Chan, Head of China Research at Credit Suisse, talk about the preferences of China’s all-important next generation of consumers at Credit Suisse’s 6th Annual China...

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The High-Yield Dilemma

Fixed-income investors face a difficult dilemma these days. By definition, they seek yield to meet their investment goals, but many financial market observers are predicting trouble in one popular source of such yield – the high-yield bond market. There’s real cause for concern. The junk bond market has seized up several times in the past few years, undergoing sharp, sudden swings due to periodic lacks of liquidity. As the Federal Reserve’s long-anticipated December rate hike began to...

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What’s the Future of Lending?

Need a loan? You can always go to a bank. Or you can try to borrow from your peers. Increasingly popular “peer-to-peer lending portals” allow borrowers and lenders to connect directly through online marketplaces, threatening to disintermediate traditional financial institutions in the process. But how do peer-to-peer sites assess the risk involved in the loans they make? What role will regulation play in their future? Will institutional investors get on board? Industry experts discussed these...

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The Fed Raised Rates: Now What?

Enough talk already. The moment is finally here: The Federal Reserve raised interest rates today by 0.25 percent for the first time since June 2006. Credit Suisse doesn’t believe the small, well-anticipated hike will hurt the U.S. economy in and of itself. (What happens in rate-sensitive markets, especially high-yield bonds, is another story, and one that The Financialist will cover in the coming days.) More important to financial markets are the signals Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen...

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