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Tag Archives: Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse streicht in der Schweiz 1600 Stellen

ETF-Markt kontrahiert im September 21.10.2015 - Das verwaltete Vermögen der in der Statistik von Swiss Fund Data und Morningstar erfassten ETFs verringerte sich im September 2015 um 1,3 Mrd CHF auf 69,7 Mrd. CHF.  Mehr... Gross verklagt Pimco 12.10.2015 - Bill Gross verklagt ein Jahr nach seiner Entlassung bei Pimco seinen ehemaligen Arbeitgeber auf mindestens 200 Mio. USD.  Mehr...

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The Big Three of the TPP

On October 5, after 10 years of negotiations, 12 Pacific Rim countries that account for a combined 40 percent of global GDP agreed to a sweeping trade deal called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The final text of the agreement isn’t public yet, but it appears that it would eliminate a large number of tariffs on goods and services, require state-owned enterprises to obey international trade laws, set stricter environmental and labor standards, and establish international tribunals to...

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US Equities: Stay with Growth

The third quarter wasn’t kind to U.S. stocks. The S&P 500 fell 6.4 percent, with stocks battered by everything from fears over China’s growth slowdown and financial market collapse to uncertainty about Federal Reserve policy and the Volkswagen emissions scandal. In June, the consensus view on third-quarter earnings was a 1 percent decline. Heading into earnings season, that figure has been revised downward to a 5 percent decrease. With the fourth quarter underway, none of the issues that...

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Time to Dust Off that Inflation Hedge

Given that consumer prices have either moved lower or essentially stayed put in the developed world for much of the past year, the word inflation does feel a little strange on the tongue. U.S. consumer prices declined through the 12 months ended in May and have pretty much flatlined since, while Japanese inflation has stayed under 1 percent all year. After falling for four consecutive months, starting in December 2014, European consumer prices have stayed where they are as well. But Credit...

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MLPs: Challenged, but Cheap

Energy master limited partnerships, most of which are in the business of storing and transporting oil and natural gas, have had a rough time of it since energy prices started falling in mid-2014. The Alerian MLP index has fallen 38 percent since its August 2014 peak and is down 27 percent year to date. The 22 percent loss in the third quarter is the worst quarterly decline since the index’s inception in 1998. In September, the asset class was down 15 percent, though it regained all of that...

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CS mit neuem Head of Manager Selection

Gross verklagt Pimco 12.10.2015 - Bill Gross verklagt ein Jahr nach seiner Entlassung bei Pimco seinen ehemaligen Arbeitgeber auf mindestens 200 Mio. USD.  Mehr... Rothschild Gestion lanciert Ucits Long Short R Parus in CHF 29.09.2015 - Rothschild & Cie Gestion verfolgt zusammen mit dem Hedgefonds-Manager Parus Finance eine Global Equity Long-Short-Strategie, die für die aktuelle Unsicherheit in den Aktienmärkten ideal positioniert ist. Neu ist der Fonds für Schweizer Anleger...

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The Emerging Slump

Every now and then, the developed and emerging economies of the world find themselves in sync, growing or contracting together. This is not one of those times. In late 2015, a trend that started in 2014 accelerated, as the balance of global growth is tilting toward developed markets and away from emerging ones. Whereas Credit Suisse economists expect growth in developed economies to accelerate this year—up 1.9 percent versus 1.7 percent in 2014—they forecast slower growth in emerging ones, up...

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Erfolgreiche Emission des CS Immobilienfonds Siat

Baader-Helvea startet ETF-Research 09.09.2015 - Die Baader Bank, zusammen mit der schweizerischen Tochter Helvea unter Baader-Helvea, erweitert ihr Aktien-Research um die Anlageklasse Exchange Traded Funds (ETF).  Mehr... LGT in ausgezeichneter Verfassung 26.08.2015 - Das erste Halbjahr lief für die liechtensteinische Privatbank überaus erfolgreich. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr konnte sowohl der Bruttoerfolg als auch der Konzerngewinn gesteigert werden.  Mehr... ETF-Markt wächst im...

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US Debt Is Rising Again—But That’s a Good Thing

In the aftermath of the housing collapse, U.S. consumers did something they hadn’t done in years: they drastically reduced their debt loads. After peaking in 2008 at just over $11.5 trillion, household debt (the sum of mortgages, home equity lines of credit, auto loans, and credit card debt) was whittled down to under $10 trillion by the second quarter of 2013. But that, apparently, is when the deleveraging stopped. Over the past two years, household debt has once again been on the rise. But...

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Credit Suisse erweitert Produktangebot im Fixed-Income-Bereich

LGT in ausgezeichneter Verfassung 26.08.2015 - Das erste Halbjahr lief für die liechtensteinische Privatbank überaus erfolgreich. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr konnte sowohl der Bruttoerfolg als auch der Konzerngewinn gesteigert werden.  Mehr... ETF-Markt wächst im Juli 20.08.2015 - Nach einer Kontraktion im Juni wächst das verwaltete Vermögen der ETFs in der Schweiz im Juli wieder. Einzig Rohstoff-ETFs verzeichneten Rückgänge.  Mehr... Quo vadis, Goldpreis? 17.08.2015 - Der Goldpreis...

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