It’s no secret that one of the best ways to be successful when investing in capital markets is to buy when everyone else is selling. But that doesn’t make it any easier, especially when market turbulence is coming from several sources at once. Already on edge as a result of China’s surprise devaluation in August and a potential rate hike by the Federal Reserve, investors have had to figure out how to navigate financial markets amid high levels of both volatility and uncertainty. Watch an...
Read More »Credit Suisse: Kapitalerhöhung genehmigt richtet sich an Anleger mit Sitz in der Schweiz. Die Website enthält Informationen zu kollektiven Kapitalanlagen, die in der Schweiz zum Vertrieb angeboten werden. Ja Ich bin ein qualifizierter Investor gemäss KAG Art. 3 und stimme den rechtlichen Bedingungen zu Ja Ich bin ein privater Investor mit Sitz in der Schweiz und stimme den rechtlichen Bedingungen zu Nein Ich stimme den rechtlichen Bedingungen nicht zu Haftungsausschluss wird unabhängig von...
Read More »France: The Aftermath
The November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris claimed 129 lives and are changing the political climate in France and Europe. One thing they haven’t done, however, is roil financial markets. Both the Stoxx 50, Europe’s blue-chip index, and France’s benchmark CAC 40 index were up 2.1 percent in the first three days of trading after the attacks. Certain sectors – airlines, hotels, luxury goods, and financial stocks – took a hit on the Monday after the attacks. Even within these sectors,...
Read More »Kapitalerhöhung beim Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund International
Vontobel mit Neugeldzufluss 28.10.2015 - Vontobel realisierte in den ersten neun Monaten 2015 einen Mittelzufluss von CHF 7,3 Mrd. Im dritten Quartal zogen Wealth und Asset Management CHF 0,9 Mrd. Neugelder an. Mehr... ETFs auf Basis von Tweets 23.10.2015 - Market Prophit, ein Unternehmen das sich auf Finanzdaten spezialisiert hat, lancierte im letzten Frühling ETFs, die auf Finanz-Tweets basieren. Mehr...
Read More »Sharing Is the New Buying
It’s not that the sharing economy itself is a new idea. Monasteries loaned books to the public in the Middle Ages, farmers have shared tools and labor for centuries, and the first known car rental service popped up in 1904. What is new is how quickly an extremely varied set of companies built around sharing, renting, collaborating, and accessing items on-demand are growing, thanks in large part to the proliferation of smartphones. There are 44 privately held sharing-oriented businesses that...
Read More »Mehr Vermögen bei den grössten Asset Manager
Laut der jährlichen Umfrage von P&I/Towers Watson verwalteten die 500 grössten Asset Manager der Welt Ende 2014 zusammen 78,1 Billionen Dollar. Gegenüber 2013 bedeuten die 78,1 Billionen US-Dollar ein Wachstum von 2,1%. Die Nummer eins unter den Asset Manager bleibt wie im Vorjahr BlackRock mit einem AuM von 4,7 Billionen Dollar. Auf den weiteren Podestplätzen folgen die beiden amerikanischen Institute Vanguard Group (3,1 Bio. $) und die State Street Global (2,4 Bio. $), welche...
Read More »US Consumers Are on a Shopping Spree
Real GDP growth in the U.S. wasn’t particularly impressive in the third quarter –the 1.5 percent annualized increase came in just shy of the 1.6 percent consensus forecast and way down from the 3.9 percent reading in the second quarter. A look at the components of GDP growth, however, reveals a very positive signal for the future: Consumer spending has been the biggest contributor to GDP in recent quarters, and American consumers are spending enough to make up for stagnating exports and...
Read More »Argentina’s Big Surprise
Argentinian voters blew their country’s presidential race wide open on October 25 with an unexpectedly close vote that will force the country’s first-ever runoff election on November 22. But the victor of that contest will receive a dubious prize: Argentina’s next president will have to deal with a stalled economy, dwindling foreign exchange reserves, an overvalued currency, and a large budget gap. Polls conducted just before the recent vote suggested that Daniel Scioli, who served...
Read More »Global Wealth and the Long-Term Investor
How wealthy has China become? At last count, the country accounted for a full 8 percent of all global ultra-high net worth investors—those worth more than $50 million. What will those UHNWIs do with that newfound wealth? That’s an important question, because household wealth is a key driver of consumers’ consumption and investment decisions as well as entrepreneurial activity, and that holds true whether one is Chinese, American, or otherwise. China and the United States led the...
Read More »Credit Suisse nimmt Änderungen im US-Geschäft vor
ETF-Markt kontrahiert im September 21.10.2015 - Das verwaltete Vermögen der in der Statistik von Swiss Fund Data und Morningstar erfassten ETFs verringerte sich im September 2015 um 1,3 Mrd CHF auf 69,7 Mrd. CHF. Mehr... Gross verklagt Pimco 12.10.2015 - Bill Gross verklagt ein Jahr nach seiner Entlassung bei Pimco seinen ehemaligen Arbeitgeber auf mindestens 200 Mio. USD. Mehr...
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