A selloff as violent as the one global equities markets experienced this past Monday can have effects that mirror a real-life earthquake. Once the earth stops moving, shell-shocked investors have to figure out what caused all the shaking and whether aftershocks are coming. They also have to determine whether anything valuable is hiding in the debris. To the first point, it’s quite clear that trouble in China was the catalyst for the rout. It all started on Friday, August 21, when...
Read More »A Revenue Recession Points to More M&A Ahead
As the second-quarter earnings season draws to a close in the United States, with 89 percent of companies in the S&P 500 having announced quarterly results, there’s both good and bad news to report. Sugar first: Seventy-four percent of companies beat consensus estimates, slightly better than the 10-year average of 70 percent. The outlook for the future is getting rosier, too. The consensus forecast for 12-month forward earnings growth is now 7.2 percent, up from 5.2 percent at the...
Read More »Bad for China, Good for European Stocks
For the three months leading into August, the Chinese government had kept the yuan-dollar exchange rate fixed in a tight range around 6.115 yuan to the dollar. Yet the yuan’s spot price consistently traded about 1.4 percent weaker than the fix. Investors, in other words, sensed a devaluation coming. In mid-August, Chinese officials proved them right by intervening in currency markets for three days in a row, prompting a 3 percent drop in the value of the yuan. An 8 percent decline in...
Read More »CS Immobilienfonds erhöht Kapital
Europäischer ETF Markt überzeugt 12.08.2015 - Das neue Lyxor ETF Barometer legt offen, dass der europäische ETF-Markt auch im Juli 2015 seinen positiven Trend fortsetzen konnte. Lediglich Rohstoffe verzeichneten Rückflüsse. Mehr... Risikoappetit steigt 07.08.2015 - Trotz nervöser Märkte angesichts der Krisen in China und Griechenland bleiben Anleger risikogeneigt. Das ergab die jüngste von NN IP durchgeführte Umfrage. Mehr... RobecoSAM will CO2 Fussabdruck mindern 06.08.2015 -...
Read More »US Tech: The Thrill Isn’t Gone
After six disappointing quarters in a row for Google and persistent doubts about when and if Amazon will generate steady profits, many investors have recently started to wonder how long double-digit revenue growth can continue, and whether growth on the bottom line will ever be as impressive as that on the top line, according to Uwe Neumann, a senior technology analyst in Credit Suisse’s Private Banking & Wealth Management Division. In other words, can Internet platform companies such as...
Read More »Credit Suisse verstärkt Asset Management Vertrieb
Europäischer ETF Markt überzeugt 12.08.2015 - Das neue Lyxor ETF Barometer legt offen, dass der europäische ETF-Markt auch im Juli 2015 seinen positiven Trend fortsetzen konnte. Lediglich Rohstoffe verzeichneten Rückflüsse. Mehr... Risikoappetit steigt 07.08.2015 - Trotz nervöser Märkte angesichts der Krisen in China und Griechenland bleiben Anleger risikogeneigt. Das ergab die jüngste von NN IP durchgeführte Umfrage. Mehr... RobecoSAM will CO2 Fussabdruck mindern 06.08.2015 -...
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