As a child, he left communist-era Prague for capitalist Jakarta and lived through the massive effects of the Asian crisis. Helman Sitohang has worked for Credit Suisse for nearly 20 years. As CEO for the Asia Pacific region, he knows that his customers attach great importance to loyalty. Manuel...
Read More »CS and UBS Tell Wealthy Retail Clients To Buy Stocks…”Here, Can You Please Hold This Bag”
Warren Buffett has frequently advised aspiring investors to take a contrarian view on markets and “be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.” In fact, being dismissive of the wall street ‘herd mentality’ has resulted in some of Buffett’s most successful trades over the years including his decision to load up on bank stocks during the ‘great recession’. But the market wizards at Credit...
Read More »CS and UBS Tell Wealthy Retail Clients To Buy Stocks…”Here, Can You Please Hold This Bag”
Warren Buffett has frequently advised aspiring investors to take a contrarian view on markets and "be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful." In fact, being dismissive of the wall street 'herd mentality' has resulted in some of Buffett's most successful trades over the years including his decision to load up on bank stocks during the 'great recession'. But the market wizards at Credit Suisse and UBS are apparently advising their wealthy retail clients to...
Read More »Credit Suisse: Neuer Leiter für Global Real Estate
Christoph Schumacher übernimmt im Sommer die Leitung der Global Real Estate Abteilung bei Credit Suisse Asset Management Unter der neuen Leitung wird das Credit Suisse Asset Management Real Estate in die drei Geschäftsfelder Real Estate Switzerland, Real Estate International und Real Estate Mandates & Advisory unterteilt. Christoph Schumacher wird per 1. Juni 2017 neuer Leiter Global Real...
Read More »Credit Suisse: Milliardenverlust und weiterer Stellenabbau
Die Grossbank weist erneut tiefrote Zahlen auf. Besonders der US-Hypothekenstreit habe das Jahresergebnis, laut der Mitteilung der Credit Suisse, stark belastet. Die Credit Suisse weist für das Jahr 2016 einen Verlust von 2,44 Milliarden Franken aus. Hauptgrund für die erneut tiefroten Jahreszahlen sind Sonderkosten. Aber auch geschäftlich lief es der Grossbank nicht rund.Der US-Hypothekenstreit...
Read More »Veränderungen im Verwaltungsrat der Credit Suisse
Der Verwaltungsrat der Credit Suisse wird an der Generalversammlung zwei neue nicht exekutive Mitglieder vorschlagen. Der Verwaltungsrat der Credit Suisse schlägt an der Generalversammlung am 28. April 2017 Alexandre Zeller und neu Andreas Gottschling für die Wahl zu neuen nicht exekutiven Verwaltungsratsmitgliedern vor. Die beiden treten die Nachfolge von Noreen Doyle und Jean Lanier an, deren...
Read More »Credit Suisse lanciert Swiss Mortgage Fund
Das Portfolio des neuen Fonds wird von dem unabhängigen Asset Manager Tavis Capital verwaltet. die Erstzeichnungsperiode läuft noch bis am 17. Februar 2017. Institutionellen Investoren in der Schweiz bietet der Fonds die Möglichkeit in ein breit diversifiziertes Portfolio von Hypotheken auf Renditeliegenschaften in der Schweiz investieren, welche von der Credit Suisse herausgegeben wurden. Dazu...
Read More »Switzerland: Chocolate, Watches, And Jihad
Submitted by Judith Bergmann via The Gatestone Institute, Swiss authorities are currently investigating 480 suspected jihadists in the country. “Radical imams always preached in the An-Nur Mosque… Those responsible are fanatics. It is no coincidence that so many young people from Winterthur wanted to do jihad.” — Saïda Keller-Messahli, president of Forum for a Progressive Islam. Switzerland is the answer to those who...
Read More »Switzerland: Chocolate, Watches, And Jihad
Submitted by Judith Bergmann via The Gatestone Institute, Swiss authorities are currently investigating 480 suspected jihadists in the country. “Radical imams always preached in the An-Nur Mosque… Those responsible are fanatics. It is no coincidence that so many young people from Winterthur wanted to do jihad.” — Saïda Keller-Messahli, president of Forum for a Progressive Islam. Switzerland is the answer to those who...
Read More »Switzerland: Chocolate, Watches, And Jihad
Submitted by Judith Bergmann via The Gatestone Institute, Swiss authorities are currently investigating 480 suspected jihadists in the country. "Radical imams always preached in the An-Nur Mosque... Those responsible are fanatics. It is no coincidence that so many young people from Winterthur wanted to do jihad." — Saïda Keller-Messahli, president of Forum for a Progressive Islam. Switzerland is the answer to those who claim that Islamic terrorism is reserved for those...
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