At a stormy shareholders meeting in April, Tidjane Thiam, CEO of Switzerland's second biggest bank Credit Suisse, faced a revolt from shareholders over compensation and management bonuses for its top managers despite financial losses (Keystone) - Click to enlarge Shareholder rebellion over executive pay at Credit Suisse earlier this year is just one example of growing dissent by Swiss company owners. While annual...
Read More »Swiss Asset Manager Settles US Tax Evasion Charges
Under the US Department of Justice’s 2013 ‘Swiss Bank Program’, 80 Swiss or Swiss-based banks paid $1.36 billion in fines for helping clients evade US taxes (Keystone) The Geneva asset management firm Prime Partners has agreed to pay $5 million (CHF4.8 million) to the United States to settle charges for tax evasion and assisting US taxpayers in opening and maintaining undeclared foreign bank accounts from 2001 to 2010....
Read More »The Secret History Of The Banking Crisis
Accounts of the financial crisis leave out the story of the secretive deals between banks that kept the show on the road. How long can the system be propped up for? - Click to enlarge It is a decade since the first tremors of what would become the Great Financial Crisis began to convulse global markets. Across the world from China and South Korea, to Ukraine, Greece, Brexit Britain and Trump’s America it has shaken...
Read More »Can Switzerland Survive Today’s Assault On Cash And Sound Money?
Authored by Marcia Christoff-Kurapovna via The Mises Institute, “Switzerland will have the last word,” wrote Victor Hugo in the late 19th century. “It possesses one of the most perfect forms of government in the world.” A contemporary of his, Frederick Kuenzli, a scholar of the Swiss Army, boasted: “No purer type of Republican ideals, no more fixed and devoted adherence to those ideals can be found in all the world...
Read More »Swiss banks defy Brexit to recruit in London
Financial service firms in London are preparing for the impact of Brexit. (Keystone) At the same time as big global banks are considering alternatives to London in the wake of the Brexit vote, Swiss newspaper Le Matin Dimanche reports, financial institutions are also recruiting new staff in the City. Rather than in commercial banking, however, these employees specialise in private wealth management. Here “the...
Read More »Swiss Banks Paid Out €1 Billion In Negative Interest Rates In The First Half
Overnight, the Swiss National Bank disclosed the composition and breakdown of its FX reserves as of June 30. There were no notable changes, as the central bank kept most of its asset allocations unchanged from the previous quarter, with equities, government bonds and “other bonds”, at 20%, 68% and 12% respectively. There were also no shifts in the currency composition as shown in the table below. There was one notable –...
Read More »Swiss Banks Paid Out €1 Billion In Negative Interest Rates In The First Half
Overnight, the Swiss National Bank disclosed the composition and breakdown of its FX reserves as of June 30. There were no notable changes, as the central bank kept most of its asset allocations unchanged from the previous quarter, with equities, government bonds and "other bonds", at 20%, 68% and 12% respectively. There were also no shifts in the currency composition as shown in the table below. There was one notable - and unexpected - development, and it had to do with the SNB's -0.75%...
Read More »Schneider-Ammann will Schweizer Startups fördern
Johann Schneider-Ammann, Bundesrat Die Swiss Entrepreneurs Foundation will bis zu einer halben Milliarde Schweizer Franken an privaten Geldern sammeln, um einheimischen Startups bei Finanzierungsengpässen unter die Arme zu greifen. Unter dem Patronat von Johann Schneider-Ammann hat die Swiss Entrepreneur Foundation zum Start bereits Zusagen in der Höhe von rund CHF 300 Millionen erhalten. Unter...
Read More »Personelle Verstärkung im Asset Management der CS
Stefan Lutz wechselt zu Credit Suisse Asset Management Die Credit Suisse schafft im Asset Management den neuen Posten des Senior Product Specialist und besetzt ihn mit Stefan Lutz, dem bisherigen Leiter Fondsresearch von Raiffeisen. Wie Citywire meldet, wird die Credit Suisse das Asset Management mit Stefan Lutz verstärken, der seit 2014 das Fondsesearch der Raiffeisen Schweiz leitete. Lutz wird...
Read More »John Kerry: “You cannot put the globalization genie back in the bottle”
At the 19th Credit Suisse Salon in Dubai on May 09, 2017, former US Secretary John Kerry sat down in conversation with Sir John Major, former UK Prime Minister, on Living in times of uncertainty: the path ahead for the Middle East. They covered a wide range of topics: climate change, the Iran deal, Syria, the root causes for the surge in public...
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