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Swiss technology in smartphones

It’s a decade since the iPhone was launched and at least four Swiss companies have reason to celebrate the success that changed the mobile phone landscape. (SRF/ --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website:

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Gold Bars Worth $800,000 Owned By Prince

Prince, RIP, owned gold bars worth just over $800,000 according to the statement filed in a Minnesota court last Friday. At the time of his death, Prince had taken delivery of and had in his possession 67 gold bars, 10 ounce gold bars, valued at $836,166.70. That’s according to an asset inventory compiled by Bremer Trust released by the Carver County District Court, as first reported by the Minneapolis Star Tribune....

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Silver’s Got Fundamentals – Precious Metals Supply-Demand Report

See the introduction and the video for the terms gold basis, co-basis, backwardation and contango.   Supply-Demand Fundamentals Improve Noticeably Last week was another short week, due to the New Year holiday. We look forward to getting back to our regularly scheduled market action. Photo via - Click to enlarge Gold and Silver Prices The prices of both metals moved up again this week. Something very...

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Trump Is Set To Label China A “Currency Manipulator”: What Happens Then?

While China has been banging the nationalist drums in its government-owned tabloids, warning daily of the adverse consequences to the US from either a trade war, or from Trump’s violating the “One China” policy, a more tangible concern for deteriorating relations between China and the US is that Trump could, and most likely will, brand China a currency manipulator shortly after taking over the the Oval Office. Even Bank...

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Great Graphic: Real Rates in US are Elevated

The US 10-year yield fell briefly below 1.32% last July. The yield slowly rose to reach 1.80% in mid-October. The day after the election, the yield initially slipped to almost 1.71%. This was a bit of a miscue, and the yield rose sharply to hit almost 2.64% the day after the FOMC hiked rates for the second time in the cycle on December 14. The yield backed off to hit 2.33% at the end of last week. The difference between...

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Switzerland Unemployment December 2016, Unemployment by Nationality

Unemployment Rate (not seasonally adjusted) According to the SECO surveys, 159,372 unemployed were registered at the Regional Employment Centers (RAV) at the end of December 2016, 10,144 more than in the previous month. The unemployment rate thus rose from 3.3% in November 2016 to 3.5% in the reporting month. Switzerland Unemployment Rate Not Seasonally Adjusted December 2016(see more posts on Switzerland...

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FX Daily, January 10: Positioning more than Fundamentals Give Traders Pause

Swiss Franc EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, January 10(see more posts on EUR/CHF, ) - Click to enlarge Sterling is on the ropes following Brexit comments made by UK Prime Minister Theresa May over the weekend. It’s been a tough day’s trading for any clients holding the Pound with losses against all of the  major currencies. GBP/CHF rates have dropped by a cent and a half with the pair now trading in the mid 1.23’s,...

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The Better Way: Backing into Smoot-Hawley and Repeating the Flaws of PPP

Summary: Part of the US Republican tax reforms call for a border adjustment. It will tax imports fully and not exports. This will likely be challenged at the WTO. Many economists say the dollar will automatically appreciate by 20%. WE are bullish the dollar but skeptical of the logic here. While hearings on US President-elect Trump’s nominees will begin this week, the Republicans are preparing dramatic changes...

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Gold Price In GBP Up 4 percent On Brexit and UK Risks

Gold Price In GBP Rises 4% On Brexit and UK Economy Risks – Pound fell 2% against gold yesterday after Theresa May created Brexit concerns  – May’s ‘Hard Brexit’ denial does not calm markets growing fears – Investors concerned about lack of government strategy and uncertainty – UK Prime Minister bizarrely blames media and “those who print things” for sterling depreciation – GBP gold builds on 31% gain in 2016 with 4%...

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Swiss Franc exchange rates receive double boost from UK uncertainty (Joshua Privett)

The Pound has had its worst day in two months yesterday, with exchange rates against most of its major currencies now reaching a two month low, and Swiss Franc exchange rates reaching down to the much dearer end of the 1.20’s once more. Theresa May’s comments yesterday were inflammatory but still fairly vague. She gave little away but markets were all collectively worried enough about the potential reaction that this...

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