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Après les Panama Papers, enquête sur Malte, « paradis fiscal méconnu ». L’Express

Il existe une armée « d’émigrés du fisc à Malte », dénonce un consortium de journalistes. Bouygues et Total figurent parmi les entreprises épinglées. Mediapart et le réseau European Investigative Collaborations (EIC) ont publié, vendredi, une longue enquête sur Malte et « les coulisses d’un paradis fiscal« . Pendant quatre mois, 49 journalistes ont décortiqué les noms des personnes et des entreprises directrices ou...

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A Look Inside The Secret Swiss Bunker Where The Ultra Rich Hide Their Bitcoins

Somewhere in the mountains near Switzerland’s Lake Lucerne lies a hidden underground vault containing a vast fortune. It’s no ordinary vault, according to Quartz. Built inside a decommissioned Swiss military bunker dug into a granite mountain, it’s precise location is a closely guarded secret, and access is limited by myriad security precautions. But instead of gold bars, the bunker contains hard drives on which...

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Le Liban découvre la politique monétaire non conventionnelle

S’il y a une chose que les Libanais savent faire, c’est compter! S’il y a une deuxième chose qu’ils savent faire, c’est oser s’exprimer. C’est exactement ce que le député Georges Adwan a fait: Calculer le manque à gagner généré par la Banque du Liban à travers sa politique monétaire, et en faire part. Il semblerait qu’en lieu et place d’un bénéfice de 1 milliard de dollars, seuls 40,5 millions de dollars soient arrivés...

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Switzerland UBS Consumption Indicator September: Higher expectations in the retail industry

The Swiss consumption indicator by UBS shows improvements. The indicator is still distant from the highs in 2012. At the time stronger growth in Emerging Markets and the weaker franc helped the Swiss economy. The UBS consumption indicator rose to 1.56 points in September, signalling consumption growth slightly above the long-term average. The indicator was supported by significantly higher expectations in the retail...

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Precious Metals Supply and Demand

See the introduction and the video for the terms gold basis, co-basis, backwardation and contango. Chart Patterns The prices of the metals dropped $20 and $0.39, a downhill slide interrupted on Thursday by speculation fueled by some economic data (as we covered in our special report), and which resumed on Friday. A look at the price charts of both metal shows what could be head and shoulders patterns. The left...

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FX Daily, October 24: Dollar Treads Water as 10-year Yield Knocks on 2.40percent

Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.51% to 1.1627 CHF. EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, October 24(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates The US dollar is narrowly mixed in mostly uneventful turnover in the foreign exchange market. There is a palpable sense of anticipation. Anticipation for the ECB meeting on Thursday, which is expected to see a six or nine-month extension of...

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Bi-Weekly Economic Review: Yawn

When I wrote the update two weeks ago I said that we might be nearing the point of maximum optimism. Apparently, there is another gear for optimism in this market as stocks have just continued to slowly but surely reach for the sky. Which is fine I suppose since we own the devils (although not much in the way of the US variety) but I can’t help but wonder what happens when the spell breaks. Goldilocks may be in the...

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What Made Gold Go Up Last Thursday

Claim-Less Delirium Yesterday, the Department of Labor announced that initial jobless claims dropped. Quite a lot. So naturally, markets reacted. The stock market began to rise. The euro rose, at least for a while. Unemployment Claims Index, Aug 1998 - Oct 2017Initial weekly unenjoyment claims over the past 20 years. Can you say “contrary indicator”? - Click to enlarge The most recent palpitations in this measure...

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Les coulisses secrètes de l’Europe vues par Yannis Varoufakis.

Yannis Varoufakis L’ancien ministre grec Yannis Varoufakis vient de sortir un livre, « Conversations entre adultes. Dans les coulisses secrètes de l’Europe (Les Liens qui libèrent, 530 pages, 26 euros) », dans lequel cet économiste anticonformiste relate son expérience de ministre des finances de sept mois, janvier-juillet 2015, dans le gouvernement d’extrême-gauche de Alexis Tsipras. Il y partage notamment son vécu...

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Canada: Monetary and Fiscal Updates This Week

Summary: Divergence between US and Canada’s two-year rates is key for USD-CAD exchange rate. Canada’s 2 hikes in Q3 were not part of a sustained tightening sequence. Policy mix considerations also favor the greenback if US policy becomes more stimulative. Many observers saw Canada as one of the canaries in the coal mine, warning that the divergence theme was over.  The Bank of Canada did hike rates twice in...

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