Defending 3,800 and a Swing Trade Play For one week, bulls have been defending the 3,800 USD value area with success. But on March 4th they had to give way to the constant pressure. Prices fell quickly to the 3,700 USD level. These extended times of range bound trading are typical for Bitcoin Bottom Building in sideways ranges. This 60 minute chart of Bitcoin shows (represented by the yellow candlestick wicks) how the...
Read More »SNB loses 15 billion in 2018
Overview The SNB earned 2 billion on negative interest rates, but lost nearly 17 billion CHF on FX investments, of which 5 bn on bonds and 12 bn on stocks. The increasing volatility of SNB Earnings Annual results are not really definite. Given that the SNB accumulates foreign currencies with interventions, the results have huge swings that depends on the FX rate. But the SNB may lose 50 billion in one year and win 60...
Read More »International Public Media Conference (IPMC) – full video
The first International Public Media Conference (IPMC) took place on March 4 in Bern. The conference was opened by the new Media Minister, Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga. SWI offered a livestream of the IPMC panels online, this is the full video. - Address - Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga - Executive Panel - "More indispensable than ever, demanded as never" - Keynote Noel Curran - The Enduring and Unique Value of Public Service Media - Presentation of...
Read More »FX Daily, March 05: Dollar Remains Firms as China Cuts Growth Target and Taxes, while EMU PMI Surprises on Upside
Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.04% at 1.1328 EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, March 05(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Overview: It is an eventful day, but the capital markets are taking it in stride. Equity markets are mixed. Asia may have been weighed down by China’s shaving its growth target and announced around CNY2 trillion (~$300 bln) in tax cuts to support...
Read More »Swiss Consumer Price Index in February 2019: +0.6 percent YoY, -0.3 percent MoM
05.03.2019 – The consumer price index (CPI) increased by 0.4% in February 2019 compared with the previous month, reaching 101.7 points (December 2015 = 100). Inflation was 0.6% compared with the same month of the previous year. These are the results of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). The 0.4% increase compared with the previous month can be explained by several factors including rising prices for air transport and...
Read More »Mit Negativzinsen die Wirtschaft ankurbeln? Nächste Irrlehre der SNB
Seit Jahrzehnten geistert die Illusion in den Köpfen der Oekonomen herum, man könne mit Zinssenkungen eine Wirtschaft ankurbeln. Den Vogel schiesst der vermeintliche „Starökonom“ von der Harvard University, Kenneth Rogoff, ab. Er prophezeit, dass künftige Wirtschaftskrisen mit Negativzinsen von bis zu minus 6 Prozent bekämpft würden. In der jüngsten Sonntagspresse nimmt sich die NZZ, die „externe Public Relations...
Read More »The Fed’s “Wealth Effect” Has Enriched the Haves at the Expense of the Young
The Fed is the mortal enemy of the young generations, and thus of the nation itself. “The wealth effect” generated by rising stock and housing prices has long been a core goal of the Federal Reserve and other central banks. As Lance Roberts noted in his recent commentary So, The Fed Doesn’t Target The Market, Eh?(Zero Hedge), Ben Bernanke added a “third mandate” to the Fed – the creation of the “wealth effect”–in 2010,...
Read More »Is Capital Creation Beating Capital Consumption? Report 3 Mar
We have written numerous articles about capital consumption. Our monetary system has a falling interest rate, which causes both capital churn and conversion of one party’s wealth into another’s income. It also has too-low interest, which encourages borrowing to consume (which, as everyone knows, adds to Gross Domestic Product—GDP). What Is Capital At the same time, of course entrepreneurs are creating new capital. Keith...
Read More »Rope-making as it was done a century ago
Most of Switzerland's dozen or so rope factories are mass producers. In a small ropemaker’s in Winterthur, however, ropes are still twisted by hand. Most of Switzerland's dozen or so rope factories are mass producers. In a small ropemaker’s in Winterthur, however, ropes are still twisted by hand. Swiss television presenter Sabine Dahinden went there to learn the craft. (SRF/ --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to...
Read More »FX Weekly Preview: Dovish Hold by the ECB and Uptick in US Wages will Underscore Divergence
The important events take place in the second half of the week ahead: the ECB meeting and the US employment report. A dovish hold by the ECB is the most likely outcome. US jobs growth is bound to slow from the heady 304k gain in January, but there won’t be anything in it that lends credence to ideas that the world’s largest economy is on the precipice of a recession. The Brexit drama could be moving into its...
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