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Tag Archives: FX Trends

FX Daily, November 21: Flattish Consolidation Hides Dollar Strength

Swiss Franc EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, November 21(see more posts on EUR/CHF, ). - Click to enlarge FX Rates The euro is trying to snap a ten-day losing streak.  Its bounce today has stopped a little shy of the five-day moving average that is found near $1.0650.  It has not traded above this short-term moving average since the November 9. FX Performance, November 21 2016 Movers and Shakers. Source: Dukascopy...

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FX Weekly Preview: Shifting Paradigms and the Market Adjustment

Summary: Perceptions of two trends shape the investment climate: reflation and nationalism. Fed rate hike set for next month, barring significant surprise. Japan’s trade surplus is growing even as imports and exports continue to contract. United States Around the middle of the year, St. Louis Federal Reserve President James Bullard revealed his new economic approach. He argued that during economic phases, or...

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BIS: The VIX is Dead, The Dollar is the new “Fear Indicator”

Over the past few years, one of the recurring themes on this website has been an ongoing discussion of how the VIX has lost its predictive value as a market risk indicator. This culminated recently with a note by Russel Clark who explained in clear term why the “VIX is now broken.” Today, in a fascinating note Hyun Song Shin, head of research at the Bank for International Settlements, the “central banks’ central bank”...

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FX Weekly Review, November 14 – November 18: Best Dollar Weeks since Reagan

Swiss Franc Currency Index The weeks after Trump’s election continue to see a weakening of the Swiss Franc, while the dollar index is on a steady rise. Still both the euro and the yen have seen worse performance than the Swiss Franc. The euro is currently under 1.07 CHF. Trade-weighted index Swiss Franc, November 18(see more posts on Swiss Franc Index, ) Source: - Click to enlarge Swiss Franc Currency Index...

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Weekly Speculative Positions: Dramatic Spot Currency Moves not Reflected

The net speculative position of the Swiss Franc did not change a lot. It fell from -23K contracts to -22k against the US Dollar. Speculators reduced their net euro and Sterling shorts. But they reduced their long yen position. What is most noticeable about the CFTC Commitment of Traders report for the reporting week ending November 15 is what is not there: Activity.  With the Australian dollar being the sole...

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If TPP is Dead…

Summary: TPP may be dead, but China is spearheading an alternative regional free trade deal. It is not as ambitious as the US-led TPP. China and Russia are eager to re-establish spheres of influence. The US election results delivered the coup de grace to the multilateral trade agreement called Trans-Pacific Partnership.  It was initially championed by the Obama Administration as a key pillar of its pivot to...

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FX Daily, November 18: Revaluation of the Dollar Continues

Swiss Franc EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, November 18(see more posts on EUR/CHF, ). - Click to enlarge FX Rates Since the US election, the dollar has been on a tear. Pullbacks have been brief and shallow. There are powerful trends in place. The euro has fallen nearly five percent over the past ten sessions, during which it is not closed higher once. The dollar rose four days this week against the yen and four days...

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FX Daily, November 17: Consolidation Gives Dollar Heavier Tone

Swiss Franc EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, November 17(see more posts on EUR/CHF, ). - Click to enlarge UK Retail Sales figures are released this morning at 09.30 and could have an impact GBP/CHF exchange rates. The Pound has gained ground against the CHF over the past month but have levelled out over the past week, as the markets digest the unexpected election results in the US. The Pound has benefitted from...

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FX Daily, November 16: The Greenback Remains Resilient

Swiss Franc The Swissie has remained very strong against a much weaker pound but the outlook is still very shaky. The principal reason for the changes are of course the election of Donald Trump which has sent some big ripples through financial markets. The Swiss Franc did strengthen significantly as we saw uncertainty ahead of the election but following the result it was more the pound making headway with some big...

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FX Daily, November 15: Investors Catch Breath, Markets Consolidate

Comment on GBP and CHF by James Lovick My articles About meMy booksFollow on:LinkedIN Swiss Franc EUR/CHF - Euro Swiss Franc, November 15(see more posts on EUR/CHF, ). - Click to enlarge The pound took substantial losses against the Swiss Franc and every major currency this morning before recovering in afternoon trade. The leaked government report this morning caused sterling to fall by over 1% against...

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