Welcome to the third installment of our Ask Keith Anything video series. We published the call for questions far and wide to our readership, and the response was overwhelming! We received questions from all over the world. Now we’ve published the results! In this episode, Keith answers your questions on Bitcoin, supply chain bottlenecks, banking, book recommendations, the gold and silver markets and so much more![embedded content] Additional Resources Ask Keith...
Read More »Time for a Silver Trade?
The price of silver has been going down, and then down some more. From over $28 a year ago, and over $26.50 a month ago, it’s now at a new low under $22.50. Four bucks down in a month. However, it’s been behaving differently than gold behind the scenes. Let’s look at the gold and silver basis charts to see. Gold Fundamentals – Gold Basis Analysis The gold basis (i.e. abundance to the market) was humming along around 0.5%. Then, as the price began to rise, it rose...
Read More »Expect the Unexpected from the Fed
It has been a rough week in most markets with both equities and bonds declining sharply. Tech stocks have been pummeled with many ‘big names’ plunging more than 50% (from their 52-week high). Some of the bigger names include Zoom Video -75%, PayPal -73%, Netflix -72%, Meta Platforms (Facebook), -53%. . The equity market decline is coupled with announced layoffs. Robinhood, the popular online trading platform, announced a 9% reduction in full-time staff this week for...
Read More »It’s Time for TINA to Retire
To listen to the audio version of this article click here. In the world of trends, history repeats more than it rhymes. Things which were considered “in” decades ago, reemerge as cool again decades later. From mom jeans to vinyl records and even Marxist ideology. The spotlight of today turns to things—both good and bad—once forgotten. Inflation is the latest trend to reemerge. But this isn’t the kind and considerate inflation which hummed quietly in the background...
Read More »The ‘Friend- Shoring’ of Gold- A New World Order?
Gold and the US Federal Reserve have a love-hate relationship. Hate because they both enjoy it when the other one performs badly, but love it because the Fed owns over 8,000 tonnes of gold and would rather no one else had any. So it was a funny thing when a former Chair of the Federal Reserve proposed measures this week that would go a long way to boosting many aspects of the gold market, including the price of gold bullion… ...
Read More »AKA Part I
Thanks for all of those great questions you submitted! Make sure you follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and are subscribed to our YouTube Channel so you can submit question and check out all of our audio articles, media appearances, podcasts episodes and more. A Gold Mine of Show Notes Ukraine and inflation Famous Buyer and Seller Fallacy Monetary Metals fundamental gold price World Gold Council estimates on amount of gold mined The Dawn of Gold by Philip...
Read More »Is There a Case for the Pre-1914 Gold Standard? Yes, if You Believe Inflation is a Bad Thing
The Russian central bank recently announced that it will stop buying gold at a fixed rate and will instead buy them at the negotiated rate from banks. Following the numerous sanctions which were imposed on Russia. The Ruble had fallen tremendously against the US dollar, to get out of such a situation it had announced that it would buy gold at a fixed price of 5,000 rubles a gram until June 30. Since that announcement, the ruble has strengthened sharply against the...
Read More »Alabama Passes Sound Money Law, Expands Sales Tax Exemption Involving Gold and Silver
(Montgomery, Alabama – April 14, 2022) – With Governor Kay Ivey’s signature on sound money legislation today, Alabama has become the second state this year to expand its sales tax exemption involving gold and silver. Alabama Senate Bill 13, championed by Sen. Tim Melson and Rep. Jamie Kiel, passed with unanimous support out of the Alabama Senate and then passed unanimously through the Alabama House before making it to the Governor’s desk. In 2019, Alabama originally...
Read More »Is The Ruble Backed By Gold Now?
Over the past couple of weeks, we reviewed the U.S. government confiscation of gold by Executive Order in 1933. (see “Gold Confiscation: Will History Repeat Itself?” and “The Facts of Gold Confiscation: The Saga Continues”). One of the points was that the difference between 1933 and today is that gold is not money for banks today. This means banks are not on a gold standard. Some observers have stated that the announcement by Russia’s Central Bank on March 25 to...
Read More »Absolute Neutralität: dringlich nötig
Viele im Westen wurden durch die Sonderoperation der Russen in der Ukraine auf dem falschen Fuss erwischt. Der seit 2014 schwellende innerstaatliche Konflikt war und ist vielen nicht bewusst. Die grundlegenden Probleme mit ihrem geschichtlichen Hintergrund, welche die Operation verständlicher erscheinen liessen, sind selbst heute den Entscheidungsträgern unbekannt. Man hat das Gefühl, dass alles, was vor dem Einmarsch passiert ist, inexistent ist. Die Einschätzungen...
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