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Création monétaire: Entente illégale entre banques centrales et commerciales sur fond de silence politique

Les crises permanentes du marché financier ont permis, aux banques centrales qui comptent, de justifier des programmes communs de quantitative easing.  Cela consiste en une transformation de la monnaie bancaire scripturale en centrale, passée en mains des banques centrales. Ainsi, celles-ci offrent au marché de la haute finance un socle monétaire garanti par le contribuable, le citoyen, l’épargnant et le retraité....

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Cross-border workers in Geneva face ‘toxic’ environment

Cross-border workers are tired of being the target of political attacks in Geneva, says the president of a French-Swiss cross-border lobby group, who calls for a change in current rhetoric to prevent future damage to the Swiss economy. For Michel Charrat, president of the Groupement transfrontalier européenexternal link, disenchantment between Geneva and its cross-border workers may be at its lowest point. The lobby...

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FX Daily, April 12: Geopolitics Overshadow the Fed, Greenback Steadies

Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.18% to 1.186 CHF. EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, April 12(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates The US dollar steadied at lower levels, while equities eased as investors remain focused on the preparations to strike Syria and still tense rhetoric on trade. Reports indicate that the US and France have moved warships into the area and...

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Claudio Grass on Cryptocurrencies and Gold – An X22 Report Interview

The Global Community is Unhappy With the Monetary System, Change is Coming Our friend Claudio Grass of Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland was recently interviewed by the X22 Report on cryptocurrencies and gold. He offers interesting perspectives on cryptocurrencies, bringing them into context with Hayek’s idea of the denationalization of money. The connection is that they have originated in the market and exist in a...

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US Imports Don’t Quite Match Chinese Exports

In early 2015, a contract dispute between dockworkers’ unions and 29 ports on the West Coast of the US escalated into what was a slowdown strike. Cargoes piled up especially at some of the largest facilities like those in Oakland, LA, and Long Beach, threatening substantial economic costs far and away from just those directly involved. Each side predictably blamed the other for it. Management’s view: The ILWU has...

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Cows continue to suffer for ‘beauty ideal’

Cow shows are public festivals in Switzerland. Everyone wants to lead the most beautiful cow into the ring, doing her hair, rubbing her with lotion, using sprays to make her glisten. But this year people are nervous at Expo Bulle, the Swiss National Holstein and Red Holstein Show. --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles,...

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The little boat that cleans the ocean

A Swiss skipper’s solution to clean the oceans. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the videos wherever you are, whenever you like. --- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube...

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Vers une décroissance inéluctable

Nous avertissons depuis quelques années sur les risques de récession. La déflation de la BNS qui s’est installée en 2011 en était un indicateur avancé. Le risque d’un effondrement global de l’économie ne peut être exclu pour les temps à venir. - Click to enlarge Les indicateurs monétaires clés des États-Unis, de l’Europe, du Japon et de la Chine sont en train de clignoter, un ralentissement économique au cours...

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FX Daily, April 11: Mr Market Waits for Other Shoe to Drop

Swiss Franc The Euro has risen by 0.20% to 1.1846 CHF. EUR/CHF and USD/CHF, April 11(see more posts on EUR/CHF, USD/CHF, ) Source: - Click to enlarge FX Rates Between Syria, trade tensions, and the US special investigator into Russia’s attempt to influence the US election, market participants are cautious as they wait for another shoe to drop. The US equity market recovery yesterday has short...

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Bi-Weekly Economic Review: Investing Is Not A Game of Perfect

The market volatility this year has been blamed on a lot of factors. The initial selloff was blamed on a hotter than expected wage number in the January employment report that supposedly sparked concerns about inflation – although a similar number this month wasn’t mentioned as a cause of last Friday’s selling. The unwinding of the short volatility trade exacerbated the situation and voila, 12% came off the market in a...

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