Cryptocurrency enthusiasts generally have a great appreciation for the Austrian school of economics. This is understandable since Austrian economists have always argued for the merit of privately produced money outside government control. Unfortunately, an erroneous understanding of the development and functions of money has emerged and become increasingly dominant among at least some proponents of bitcoin—a narrative that is at odds with the basics of Austrian...
Read More »History Repeats Itself: Abandoning Sound Money Leads to Tyranny and Ruin
Money is one of the most misunderstood topics of our time, and we’re seeing the implications of this play out every day. To understand money, one first must first understand that human beings have always been incentivized to participate in exchange. If humans could not, or did not, trade, most people would die young from starvation, disease, or exposure to the elements. The survivors would be left with an extremely low standard of living in a world in which none of...
Read More »Nächste Anlässe
SA, 15. Oktober 2022: LP-Wanderung, Treffpunkt: 0930 Forch, BahnhofSA, 26. November 2022: Lollipop Party (Schlager) im X-tra, ZürichFR, 9. Dezember 2022: Glühwein, Weihnachtsdorf BellevueFolgt uns auf unseren Social Media Kanälen: Facebook:
Read More »LP-Wanderung
Die Libertäre Partei freut sich, auch in diesem Jahr wieder eine gemütliche Herbstwanderung in der Region Zürich zu organisieren und zwar am Samstag, 15. Oktober 2022. Wir werden am Vormittag auf der Forch starten und nach etwas mehr als einer Stunde die Hochwacht Pfannenstiel erreichen, von wo aus man einen herrlichen Ausblick über das Zürcher Oberland, den Greifensee und bei gutem Wetter bis zu Üetliberg und Säntis geniessen kann. Anschliessend werden wir im Weiler Toggwil im...
Read More »Bitcoin schlägt Britisches Pfund nach weiterer Fiat-Abwertung
Der Cryptomarkt befindet sich nicht in seiner besten Phase. Der BTC verlor gegenüber seinem Allzeithoch etwa zwei Drittel. Und trotzdem hat Bitcoin in dieser Woche das britische Pfund geschlagen, nachdem die Fiat-Währung eine weitere Abwertung erlebte. Bitcoin News: Bitcoin schlägt Britisches Pfund nach weiterer Fiat-AbwertungDas Handelsvolumen des BTC gegenüber dem Britischen Pfund fiel in dieser Woche klar zu Gunsten des Cryptocoins aus. Die Fiat-Währung erzielte...
Read More »NAP für Tiere
Gilt das Nicht-Agressions-Prinzip (NAP) auch für Tiere? Ist es moralisch vertretbar, Tiere zu halten oder zu töten? Falls ja, warum? Was unterscheidet uns wirklich von Tieren, das eine solche Ungleichbehandlung rechtfertig? Falls nein, wo hört es auf? Darf man denn riskieren auf einen Käfer zu treten? Was ist mit Pflanzen? All diese Fragen beschäftigten unsere Referenten Marco Schläpfer und Sandro Frei und die Gäste an der gutbesuchten Parteiversammlung. Wer nach der Diskussion doch noch...
Read More »Should the Fed Increase the Money Supply in Response to a Growing Economy?
Most commentators believe a growing economy requires a growing money stock because economic growth gives rise to a greater demand for money, which then must be accommodated. Failing to do so will lead to a decline in prices of goods and services which, in turn, destabilizes the economy and leads to a recession or, even worse, depression. The main role of the Fed, then, is to keep the supply and the demand for money in equilibrium. An increase in the demand for money...
Read More »Monetary policy report Quarterly Bulletin 3/2022
Monetary policy report Report for the attention of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank for its quarterly assessment of September 2022 The report describes economic and monetary developments in Switzerland and explains the inflation forecast. It shows how the SNB views the economic situation and the implications for monetary policy it draws from this assessment. The first section (‘Monetary policy decision of 22 September 2022’) is an excerpt from the press...
Read More »Swiss pensioners to be compensated for inflation
Parliament wants to deal a fairer set of cards to Swiss pensioners. © Keystone / Gaetan Bally Pensions in Switzerland should in future be topped up to fully account for the rising cost of consumer goods, parliament has agreed. Parliament on Monday voted to modify the way payment adjustments are calculated from 2023. Currently, top ups take both inflation and rising wages into account. From the start of next year at the latest, payments should focus purely on...
Read More »Ross Geller inspires Bank of England policy
This morning the UK pound slumped as one of the world’s oldest central banks pressed hard on the panic button. The Bank of England was seen to be shouting ‘Pivot! Pivot! Pivaat!’ as they announced they would temporarily suspend their programme to sell gilts and will instead buy long-dated bonds. In a statement, the bank said that they would be embarking on a “temporary and targeted” bond buying operation. Although we expect it to be about as temporary and as...
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