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Tag Archives: Featured

Fed Minutes were Not as Dovish as Initially Read

Overview: The sell-off in European bonds continues today. The 10-year German Bund yield is around four basis points higher to bring the three-day increase to about 22 bp. The Italian premium over Germany has risen by almost 18 bp over these three sessions. Its two-year premium is widening for the fifth consecutive session and is above 90 bp for the first time in almost three weeks. The 10-year US Treasury yield is a little softer near 2.88%. Most of the large Asia...

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Bitcoin Mining Signale schalten auf Grün

Durch den Kursabfall waren die Signale der Miner in den letzten Monaten nicht positiv. Um den Wertverlust von etwa 60 Prozent auszugleichen, verkauften die Miner ihre BTC, um einen Cash Flow zu erzeugen, der notwendig war, um die laufenden Kosten zu decken. Doch nun dreht sich der Trend langsam. Bitcoin News: Bitcoin Mining Signale schalten auf GrünSeit Juni dieses Jahres haben die Miner mehr BTC verkauft als produziert. Gegen Ende des Monats verkauften sie 400...

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If Mauritius is a Tax H(e)aven, Other African Countries Must be Tax Hells

It is common for commentator to point to corruption, incompetence, malicious Western meddling, and other factors as the source of Africa’s continued economic woes. One seldom hears so-called experts point to taxes as a major impediment to economic development. Even “development economists” do not repudiate Africa’s paradoxically onerous tax regimes. Worse still, powerful (and harmful) neocolonialist institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), tend to...

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Markets Look for Direction

Overview: The biggest development today in the capital markets is the jump in benchmark interest rates.  The US 10-year yield is up five basis points to 2.86%, which is about 10 bp above Monday’s low.  European yields are up 9-10 bp.  The 10-year German Bund yield was near 0.88% on Monday and is now near 1.07%.  Italy’s premium over German is near 2.18%, the most in nearly three weeks.  Although Asia Pacific equities rallied, led by Japan’s 1.2% gain, but did not...

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Alexander Dugin und die Philosophie hinter dem russischen Krieg

Die Russen seien „eschatologisch auserwählt“, behauptet Alexandre Dugin – der prominente russische Philosoph und vorgebliche Mentor von Präsident Wladimir Putin. Russland muss sich gegen den falschen Glauben, die Pseudoreligion des westlichen Liberalismus und die Verbreitung seines Übels stellen: Gegen Moderne, Szientismus, Postmoderne und die Neue Weltordnung. Als geographisches „Dreh- und Angelgebiet“ muss Russland seine Position im Kernland des eurasischen...

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Paving the way for a 2008 déjà vu

It would appear that the central planners of the Bank of England have very short or very selective memories. After adopting unprecedented easing measures during the covid crisis and after supporting the government in its efforts to flood the economy with fresh cash during that same period, the central bank has put itself in a particularly unenviable position.  With inflation soaring and living costs exploding for most consumers and taxpayers, hiking...

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EU plant Einführung eines speziellen Crypto-Regulators

Wie genau dieser Regulator aussehen wird, ist noch nicht im Detail bekannt. Derzeit sprechen Offizielle lediglich von einem „Regulatory Body“, der Autorität über den Crypto-Sektor haben wird. Es ist jedoch anzunehmen, dass damit eine neue staatliche Organisation kreiert werden wird. Crypto News: EU plant Einführung eines speziellen Crypto-RegulatorsDamit kommt es zur Einführung einer sechsten Autorität des Finanzsektors, die das Ziel verfolgt, Geldwäsche innerhalb...

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Greenback Remains Firm

Overview: After retreating most of last week, the US dollar has extended yesterday’s gains today. The Canadian dollar is the most resilient, while the New Zealand dollar is leading the decline with a nearly 0.75% drop ahead of the central bank decision first thing tomorrow. The RBNZ is expected to deliver its fourth consecutive 50 bp hike. Most emerging market currencies are lower as well, led by central Europe. Equities in Asia Pacific and Europe are mostly higher...

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Biden Crows About the Latest 8.5 percent Annual Inflation Rate

Precious metals markets continued rallying this week. Investors weighed new inflation data showing price pressures in the economy are finally slowing. Wednesday’s Consumer Price Index report came in slightly lower than expected for a change. The CPI rose 8.5% on an annualized basis in July. Normally such a reading would be nothing to cheer about. But the fact that the inflation rate finally came down a tad after months and months of relentless increases gave Joe...

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Thomas Piketty Wants to Bring Back Communism in the Guise of Democratic Socialism

Thomas Piketty’s Brief History is the fourth installment of his assault on economic inequality, following as it does the best-selling Capital in the Twenty-First Century and Capital and Ideology. The third, Time for Socialism: Dispatches from a World on Fire, 2016–2021, is just a collection of popular articles based on which the New York Times dubbed Piketty a “vaguely left-of-center” economist. This slim fourth volume from Harvard University Press calls for...

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