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Finding a place to rent getting easier in Switzerland

© Tea | Dreamstime A recent Credit Suisse report, entitled: Tenants Wanted, says capital continues to flow into Swiss real estate, boosting the supply of rental properties. Against a backdrop of negative interest rates at Switzerland’s central bank, investors continue to plough money into constructing new residential properties. At the same time, declining immigration has hit the demand for rental apartments. Estimated...

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The Two Parts of Bubbles

What makes a stock bubble is really two parts. Most people might think those two parts are money and mania, but actually money supply plays no direct role. Perceptions about money do, even if mistaken as to what really takes place monetarily from time to time. In fact, for a bubble that would make sense; people are betting in stocks on one monetary view that isn’t real, and therefore prices don’t match what’s really...

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Weekly Speculative Positions (as of August 29): Speculators Make Minor Position Adjustments, but Like that Aussie

Swiss Franc Speculators were net short CHF in January 2015, shortly before the end of the peg, with 26.4K contracts. Then again in December 2015, when they expected a Fed rate hike, with 25.5K contracts. The biggest short CHF, however, happened in June 2007, when speculators were net short 80K contracts. Shortly after, the U.S. subprime crisis started. The carry trade against CHF collapsed. The...

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FX Weekly Preview: Three Central Banks Dominate the Week Ahead

Summary: Following strong Q2 GDP figures, risk is that Bank of Canada’s rate hike anticipated for October is brought forward. ECB’s guidance to that it will have to extend its purchases into next year will continue to evolve. Among Fed officials speaking ahead of the blackout period, Brainard and Dudley’s comments are the most important. Four central banks from high income countries hold policy is making...

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FX Weekly Review, August 28 – September 02: The end of big euro rise?

EUR/CHF Let us remember why the euro has risen from 1.08 to 1.14 between June and August: Hopes that the French president Macron will help the French economy, similarly to the Trump reflation trade. Hopes that the ECB will finish their bond buying program earlier combined with quite good economic data. We are of the opinion that both points may be illusionary. The euro should not rise further. Politicians cannot...

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Six Banks Join UBS’s “Utility Coin” Blockchain Project

Here’s a piece of news that the remaining human members of Wall Street’s FX sales and trading desks probably don’t want to hear. According to the Financial Times, six of the world’s largest banks have decided to join a blockchain project called “utility coin” that will allow banks to settle trades in securities denominated in different currencies without a money transfer. What’s worse, the banks expect to begin...

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Prévoyance 2020: comment la Confédération a prévu la baisse illimitée de vos rentes LPP – Par Vincent Held

La baisse du taux de conversion à 6% ne serait-elle qu’un début? Avec Prévoyance 2020, vos rentes LPP pourraient bien subir un jour ou l’autre quelques réajustements supplémentaires. Il suffirait d’une nouvelle crise financière… Alors que des milliers de foyers helvétiques comptent sur les revenus de leurs capitaux LPP pour maintenir leur niveau de vie à la retraite, de telles espérances pourraient très bientôt...

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Nestlé Skin Health to shed almost 200 jobs

Nestlé Skin Health plans to transfer manufacturing activities from the Egerkingen site to manufacturing facilities around the world(Keystone) - Click to enlarge Nestlé Skin Health will cease operations at its Egerkingen factory in canton Solothurn and move manufacturing activities abroad, threatening 190 positions. “Production volumes in Egerkingen are and have been very low, resulting in underutilisation of assets and...

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Cool Video: CNBC Clip Tactical and Strategic Dollar Outlook

- Click to enlarge I appeared on CNBC earlier today to talk about the dollar.  I was given the time to briefly sketch out my view of the dollar.  Near-term, I am concerned about the political and economic events in September,  but I am looking for a better Q4 for the greenback. I have not given up the idea that the dollar’s pullback this year is a correction to the bull move that began in mid-2014.  The euro...

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Why Wages Have Lost Ground in the 21st Century

The problem with stagnant wages is our socio-economic system requires ever-higher incomes to function. One of the enduring mysteries for conventional economists is why wages aren’t rising for the bottom 95% even as unemployment is low and hiring remains robust. According to classical economics, the limited supply of available workers combined with strong demand for workers should push wages higher. Why have wages for...

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