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Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Warum die Börsen bei Trumps Tweets erzittern

Handelskrieg kostet auch Nerven an der Börse: Händler in New York. Foto: Brendan McDermid (Reuters) Lange meinten viele, Donald Trump meine es mit dem im Wahlkampf angekündigten Protektionismus nicht so ernst. Was für ein Irrtum. Die USA und China künden fast täglich Zölle auf immer mehr Güter an. Die unmittelbaren Wirkungen zeigen sich vor allem an den Börsen, die nach jeder neuen Ankündigung weltweit einen Taucher machen und sich bei jeder Hoffnung auf eine weniger drastische...

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US trade disputes indirectly threaten Swiss economy

US metal industry trade disputes could disrupt the Swiss economy indirectly (Keystone) - Click to enlarge Ongoing global trade disputes involving the United States are casting a potential shadow over Swiss economic growth, along with other international events, such as the Italian elections and Brexit. However, the Swiss economy is forecast to expand 2.4% this year and 2% in 2019. The Swiss State Secretariat...

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Trumps Zollkrieg – worum es wirklich geht

Donald Trump unterzeichnet, inmitten von Arbeitern aus der Stahlindustrie, ein Dekret über Importzölle auf Stahl und Aluminium. Foto: Leah Millis (Reuters) Nächsten Freitag will Donald Trump Strafzölle gegen ausländische Importgüter einführen. Im Vordergrund stehen Stahl und Aluminium aus Europa und Asien, für die US-Abnehmer bis zu 25 Prozent mehr zahlen sollen. Das soll den Kauf importierter Waren drosseln und die heimische Produktion vor unfairer Konkurrenz schützen. So argumentiert...

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Global Asset Allocation Update: Tariffs Don’t Warrant A Change…Yet

There is no change to the risk budget this month. For the moderate risk investor the allocation to bonds is 50%, risk assets 45% and cash 5%. We have had continued volatility since the last update but the market action so far is pretty mundane. The initial selloff halted at the 200 day moving average and the rebound carried to just over the 50 day moving average. That is about “as expected” as you can get for a stock...

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«Vodoo-Economics» und die Erfolge von Donald Trump

Donald Trump applaudiert sich während seiner «State of the Union»-Rede wieder einmal selber – zu Unrecht. Foto: Win McNamee (Bloomberg, Getty) Gleich in allen grossen Weltregionen brummt die Wirtschaft und der Optimismus ist so gross wie schon lange nicht mehr. US-Präsident Donald Trump erklärte jüngst gleich an zwei viel beachteten Auftritten, dass die gute Konjunkturlage und ganz besonders der Rückgang der Arbeitslosigkeit in den USA den Erfolg seiner Politik bestätigten: In seiner...

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Economics minister praises Swiss tax system

Schneider-Ammann (right) is holding talks with various business leaders on the sidelines of this year’s WEF meeting in Davos. Among them was Nestlé Vice President Marco Settembri Swiss Economics Minister Johann Schneider-Ammann has downplayed concerns that Swiss-based American firms might relocate to the United States in the wake of tax reform. Speaking in Davos ahead of a visit by US President Donald Trump,...

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Swiss president says Trump meeting was productive

All smiles: Swiss President Alain Berset, right, and US President Donald J. Trump, left, shake hands during a bilateral meeting Swiss President Alain Berset says his meeting with US President Donald Trump at the World Economic Forum in Davos was productive and frank. Trump took credit for making Switzerland “even richer”. “You have a lot of our stock in the United States so I have helped to make Switzerland even...

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Switzerland still competitive despite US tax reforms, says economics minister

The economics minister said the relaunch of its own tax reform plans could help Switzerland stay competitive with the US. (Keystone) - Click to enlarge Swiss Economics Minister Johann Schneider-Ammann says he does not think sweeping US tax reforms will drive American firms from Switzerland. In an interview with the Schweiz am Wochenende newspaper on Saturday, he said Switzerland also has competitive...

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Trump to attend WEF gathering in Davos

US President Donald Trump attends the College Football Playoff National Championship game between the University of Alabama and the University of Georgia in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 8, 2018 (marketing) United States President Donald Trump plans to attend the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland later this month, his spokeswoman said on Tuesday. In a statement, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House...

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What President Trump and the West Can Learn from China

Expensive Politics Instead of a demonstration of its overwhelming military might intended to intimidate tiny North Korea and pressure China to lean on its defiant communist neighbor, President Trump and the West should try to learn a few things from China. Photo credit: AP - Click to enlarge President Trump meets President Xi. The POTUS reportedly had a very good time in China. The President’s trip to the Far East...

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