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Episode 19 – Bonus Episode! Theory of Interest and Prices Mises Conference 2021

Keith presented his Theory of Interest and Prices at the Mises’ Austrian Economics Research Conference earlier this year. Described as one of the most interesting talks of the entire event, this episode includes his fifteen-minute presentation as well as some follow-up thoughts by Keith himself at the end. In this episode, he covers: Was Milton Friedman right about inflation? The dynamics of the central banks pushing interest below time preference, and above the...

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Swiss public institutions hit hard by white-collar crime

© Keystone / Gaetan Bally Swiss courts dealt with 52 major cases of economic crime last year that amounted to CHF355 million ($384 million) in losses, the consultancy firm KPMG said on Thursday. Public institutions were especially targeted by fraudsters. The total number of documented cases was up by four compared to 2019 – well below the record peak (91) in 2015. The financial losses were also much lower than the CHF1.4 billion registered in 2016. Fraudsters...

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65a This is what caused the 1970s Dollar Devaluation

US President Jimmy Carter told the nation that the US dollar's devaluation "is clearly not warranted by the fundamental economic situation". In fact, it was unreservedly deserved as the necessary consequence of prolonged official incompetence. ---------SPONSOR---------- Friends, are you worried your monetary policies are causing lurid levels of inequality? Are you concerned civil war, its hour come round at last, slouches toward K Street? Do you worry how your supple neck will...

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“Die Schattenseiten von Schuldenbremsen (The Dark Side of Debt Limits),” ifoSD, 2021

ifo Schnelldienst 4/2021, April 14, 2021. PDF. Was Schuldengrenzen aus politökonomischer Sicht besonders attraktiv erscheinen lässt – ihre vermeintliche Einfachheit und Klarheit – birgt also auch Risiken. Es führt dazu, dass Politiker und ihre Wähler die Solidität der Staatsfinanzen über Gebühr an expliziten Bruttoschulden messen. Was aber zählt, wenn es um unerwünschte Umverteilung zulasten künftiger Generationen geht, ist staatliches Nettovermögen in einer...

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What’s Taboo? Everything Except Greed

OK, now I get it. Take a couple tabs of Euphorestra and Hopium, and stick to talking about making money in the market. Greed won’t offend anyone. So I started to tell my buddy about my new screenplay idea: “There’s a global pandemic, and when they rush a bunch of vaccines to market, then….” “Stop right there–even talking about vaccines will get you renditioned to a hellhole in one of the ‘stans.” “But it’s just fiction.” “You can argue with your guard in the...

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Marriage of Gold and Cryptocurrencies: A New Future?

The debate between relatively new digital cryptocurrencies versus ‘tried and true’ gold has dominated most precious metals related websites. But what if gold and cryptocurrencies were combined? According to a Bloomberg article a NYC Real Estate Mogul, after learning about cryptocurrencies from his son, is putting this concept to work by securing a minimum of $6 billion in gold reserves to back his new cryptocurrency. The concept of pegging a digital currency to an...

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Reality check: The “miracle recovery” narrative

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been constantly bombarded by news reports and “expert” analyses celebrating an incredible global economic recovery. They’re not even presented as projections or expectations anymore, but as a fact, as though the return to vibrant growth is already underway. Stock markets certainly seem to agree, going from record high to record high, while all the political and institutional leaders congratulate themselves on a job well done. Although...

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COVID-19, financial markets and digital transformation

Andréa M. Maechler / Thomas Moser, Member of the Governing Board / Alternate Member of the Governing Board In many ways, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is unprecedented. The economic shock has been global and massive, affecting both economic supply and demand simultaneously. To mitigate the economic impact, the crisis response has had to be swift and innovative – including in Switzerland. The Swiss National Bank has played an important role here, preventing an...

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Minimum wage hurting young people in Swiss canton

© Kasto80 | Around three years ago, the Swiss canton of Jura introduced a minimum wage of CHF 20 an hour (US$ 21.65). Now there is political pressure relook at the move, according to RTS. A group of cantonal parliamentarians from the PDC (CVP) is pushing for a review of the situation in response to pressure from some young people. The group says that the CHF 20 floor on hourly wages is having a negative effect on the employment prospects of some job...

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Is Tucker Carlson Right About Replacement Theory?

Tucker Carlson seems to believe that if it weren’t for immigrants, America would be dominated by religiously devout, tradition-minded, liberty-loving Americans in every corner of the nation. Perhaps he’s not familiar with the effects of American universities and public schools? Be sure to follow Radio Rothbard at [embedded content] You Might Also Like Weekly SNB...

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