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Reading Jeff Snider: Why Do We Think Inflation Expectations Matter? [Ep. 139, Macropiece Theater]

Federal Reserve economist Jeremy Rudd's paper savages the use of inflation expectations in monetary econometrics. He lambasts the profession for producing "minimal direct evidence" and the "next-to-no-examination of alternatives". A reading, by Emil Kalinowski. ----------WHO---------- Jeff Snider of Alhambra Investments. Read by Emil Kalinowski. Art by David Parkins. Intro/outro is "Maverick" by Ooyy at Epidemic Sound. ----------WHAT---------- The Asymmetry...

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What the CIA Is Hiding in the JFK Assassination

With President Biden succumbing to the CIA’s demand to continue keeping the CIA’s records relating to the Kennedy assassination secret, the question naturally arises: What is the CIA still hiding? (See my blog post of yesterday entitled “Surprise! Biden Continues the CIA’s JFK Assassination Cover-Up.”) To understand what they are still hiding and why they are still hiding it, it’s necessary to go back to the 1990s during the era of the Assassination Records Review...

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What *Seems* Inflation Now Is Something Else Entirely

This is yet another one of those crucial recent developments which should contribute much clarity about the economic situation, yet is exploited in other ways (political) adding only more to the general state of economic confusion. The shelves may be empty in a lot of places around the country, leaving anyone with the impression there just aren’t enough goods. Shortage of goods, everyone’s thinking, by virtue of economics (small “e”) it will be another significant...

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China kostet der Crypto-Bann eine Billionen Dollar

Gerüchten zufolge bereut man in Peking längst den Crypto-Bann, der vor wenigen Monaten landesweit ausgesprochen wurde. Dieser hatte den Crypto Mining Markt durchgerüttelt und die vermeintliche Monopolstellung des Landes in diesem Sektor zerstört. Crypto News: China kostet der Crypto-Bann eine Billionen Dollar Assets im Wert von 10 Milliarden US-Dollar wurden durch die Politik Pekings jährlich aus dem Land gejagt. Bei einer prognostizierten Wachstumsrate des Marktes...

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FATF hat ihre Bekanntgabe aktualisiert

Die FATF hat an ihrer Plenarsitzung im Oktober 2021 ihre Bekanntgabe zu Hochrisiko- und weiteren unter Beobachtung stehenden Ländern aktualisiert. Weiterführende Informationen sind verfügbar unter: The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) ist ein internationales Gremium, das Massnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäscherei, Terrorismus- und Proliferationsfinanzierung entwickelt und fördert. Die Schweiz ist eines der FATF-Mitgliedsländer. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der...

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Digitalization Could Move Medical Care Beyond “Government Healthcare”

The reductive and lazy dismissals of the possibility of bringing about free market systems of healthcare, in addition to the administrative and legislative hurdles imposed by government agencies, have all been brought into the limelight in the wake of the pandemic. However, dealing with them is not the purpose of this article; there are a sufficient number which can easily address the usual complaints. One impact of the pandemic, particularly relevant to political...

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Carbon offsetting explained in 2 minutes

Countries lower their carbon footprint and become climate neutral by limiting the amount of greenhouse gases they produce and by compensating the emissions that can't be cut. The carbon offsetting market has become increasingly attractive for countries, companies and individuals, who finance projects that will either suck CO2 out of the atmosphere, or reduce the CO2 release. This is done by buying carbon offsets. Carbon offsetting will be a major point of tension at...

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Reading Jeff Snider: 1970s Inflation vs. 2020s Price Increases [Ep. 130, Macropiece Theater]

Time travel to the early 1970s where we hear the Nixon Tapes, read memorandums, and study Congressional testimony to understand what the Federal Reserve knew, and when they knew it. Turns out they didn't know "money" then and they still don't today. A reading, by Emil Kalinowski. ----------WHO---------- Jeff Snider of Alhambra Investments. Read by Emil Kalinowski. Art by David Parkins. Intro/outro is "Amber Lights" by Chill Cole at Epidemic Sound....

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Why Isn’t Gold Going Up with Inflation?

Many voices in the gold community are making a simple point. Look at the prices of oil, copper, and other commodities. They are skyrocketing. The mainstream explanation—shared by Keynesians, Monetarists, and many Austrians—is that the cause of this skyrocketing is the increase in the quantity of what is called “money”.  The price of gold has not been going up. The inference is that it should be going up (note the word “should” is very dangerous in trading). The...

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Doing 90 MPH on Deadman’s Curve: A Few Thoughts on Risk

When the wreck is recovered, witnesses will wonder why they took such heedless, foolish risks.You’re in the back seat wedged between tipsy revelers, the driver is drunk and heading into Deadman’s Curve at 90 miles per hour. Nobody’s worried because the driver has never crashed. Before they slid into euphoric incoherence, the other passengers answered your doubts with statistics and pretty charts showing that the driver had never had an accident, so there was nothing...

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