Submitted by John Rubino via, At first, the idea of central banks intervening in the equity markets was probably seen even by its fans as a temporary measure. But that’s not how government power grabs work. Control once acquired is hard for politicians and their bureaucrats to give up. Which means recent events are completely predictable: SNB’s U.S. Stock Holdings Hit $62.4 Billion...
Read More »THIS Time A Swiss Franc Hedge Makes More Sense
Introduction by George Dorgan My articles About meMy booksFollow on:TwitterFacebookGoogle +YoutubeSeeking AlphaCFA SocietyLinkedINEconomicBlogs Summary: Money markets and the Swiss franc have diverged despite a presumed increase in event risk from the U.S. Presidential election. Moreover, shorts against the Swiss franc have risen. This surprising divergence opens up a presumed opportunity use the franc as...
Read More »THIS Time A Swiss Franc Hedge Makes More Sense
Introduction by George Dorgan My articles About meMy booksFollow on:TwitterFacebookGoogle +YoutubeSeeking AlphaCFA SocietyLinkedINEconomicBlogs Summary: Money markets and the Swiss franc have diverged despite a presumed increase in event risk from the U.S. Presidential election. Moreover, shorts against the Swiss franc have risen. This surprising divergence opens up a presumed opportunity use the franc as...
Read More »Der SNB-Milliardengewinn täuscht Stärke vor. Tatsächlich ist die SNB so schwach wie nie.
Voller Stolz präsentiert die SNB ihr Zwischenergebnis für die ersten 9 Monate dieses Jahres: 28.7 Milliarden Franken Gewinn. Und die Medien kolportieren diese Zahlen unbedarft. Die Devisenreserven der SNB seien erneut gestiegen wird da behauptet; und zwar allein in diesen neun Monaten um 73 Milliarden auf sage und schreibe 666 Milliarden Franken. Solche Schlagzeilen sind oberflächlich und lenken von der grossen Gefahr...
Read More »Und nun kommt der Nobelpreisträger daher und will uns weismachen, wir müssten den Mindestkurs wieder einführen
„Es kostet fast nichts, Franken im richtigen Umfang zu drucken.“ Das sagte der Wirtschaftsnobelpreisträger Joseph Stiglitz am World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos anlässlich eines Interviews mit dem Tages-Anzeiger. Damit behauptet der Laureate, dass es für die Schweizerische Nationalbank fast nichts kostet, den Mindestkurs durchzusetzen. Er erwartet, dass die Schweiz zum Schluss kommen wird, dass die Nationalbank den...
Read More »Risk Happens Fast
By Chris at As a teenager brimming with testosterone my reptilian brain loved action movies. Top of my list were Steven Seagal movies. Clearly it wasn’t for his acting skills, which are only marginally better than Barney the dinosaur. What I loved about Seagal was that he was both deadly and terribly fast. His opponents had mere seconds before their arms, legs, or other bones were snapped like...
Read More »Jim Grant Puzzled by the actions of the SNB
Retaken from Christoph Gisiger via Finanz und Wirtschaft, James Grant, Wall Street expert and editor of the investment newsletter «Grant’s Interest Rate Observer», warns of a crash in sovereign debt, is puzzled over the actions of the Swiss National Bank and bets on gold. From multi-billion bond buying programs to negative interest rates and probably soon helicopter money: Around the globe, central bankers are...
Read More »Global stocks at lowest levels since July
SMI The Swiss Market Index is set to finish the week lower, but outperforming global stocks, thanks to a strong week of luxury good stocks. SMI Index, October 15. - Click to enlarge Economic Data Global stocks fell to their lowest levels since July on Thursday as investors rushed to the safety of government bonds, yen and gold after renewed concerns over weakness in the Chinese economy and as the Federal Reserve...
Read More »Switzerland’s central bank offers a glimpse behind the curtain
The Swiss National Bank is offering a rare look into how it sets monetary policy. A video of SNB President Thomas Jordan and fellow members of the governing board shows them beginning their quarterly policy assessment discussing the state of the economy with about 30 people. According to the voiceover, the group comprises experts from different departments engaged in a question-and-answer session. [embedded content]...
Read More »Algos, Barriers, Rumors: Some Theories On What Caused The Pound Flash Crash
As reported moments ago, just around 7:07pm ET, cable snapped and plunged by what some say may have been as much as 1200 pips, dropping from 1.26 to as low as 1.14 according to some brokers, before snapping back up. GBP/USD, October 7 - Click to enlarge What caused the move? While nobody knows the catalyst behind the flash crash yet, Bloomberg has compiled several potential explanations. “The GBP/USD slide could...
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