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Brexit shakes global markets and the SMI

Investec Switzerland. Swiss Market Index The Swiss Market Index (SMI) is set to post a modest gain this week despite confirmation that the UK has decided to leave the European Union. The SMI opened almost 7% lower following the announcement before recovering.  The Swiss franc strengthened the most since the Swiss National Bank (SNB) lifted its cap against the euro in 2015. click to enlarge  Around...

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In Surprising Development NIRP Starts To Work, Pushing Rich Swiss Savers Out Of Cash Into Stocks

One of the rising laments against NIRP is that far from forcing savers to shift from cash and buy risky (or less risky) assets, it has done the opposite. Intuitively this makes sense: savers expecting a return on the cash they have saved over the years are forced to save even more in a world of ZIRP or NIRP, as instead of living off the interest, they have to build up even more prinicpal. Jeff Gundlach confirmed as...

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FX Daily, June 23: R-Day is Here, but Can it Prove Anti-Climactic?

The UK’s referendum is underway.  The capital markets are continuing the move that began last week with the murder of UK MP Cox.  The tragedy seemed to mark a shift in investor sentiment.  Sterling bottomed on June 17 just ahead of $1.40.  Earlier today in Asia, after more polls showed a move toward remain, sterlingrallied to almost $1.4845, its highest level since last December. The market continues to put anticipate...

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The EU and Turkey: Unvarnished Truth and Stuffing

Summary Turkey and the EU will begin negotiations over financial and budget reform. It is one of 35 areas (chapters) of negotiations. Turkey is no where close to joining the EU, for which it initially applied in 1987. In the vitriolic debate over the UK’s membership of the EU, Turkey’s potential membership became one of the talking points.  Prime Minister Cameron, who has advocated Turkey’s eventual membership,...

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Swiss tax redistribution in 2017 – winners and losers

Swiss cantons have very different tax bases, tax rates and costs. To even things up, and temper tax rate competition between cantons that jockey to attract the wealthiest residents with the lowest tax rates, Switzerland has a system known as la péréquation financière nationale in French, or Finanzausgleich in German, which requires “rich” cantons to give money to “poor” cantons. Yesterday, the Swiss federal government...

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As Of This Moment, Barclays Is Not Accepting FX Stop Loss Orders

Anyone wondering why gaps and volatility in FX, and especially cable is reaching on the absured today, with 100 pips swings in minutes the norm, the reason is that there is virtually no liquidity, and a main catalyst for this is that as HFTs conduct their usual stop hunts to stop out proximal limit orders, they simply find no such stops. They can blame banks such as Barclays for this development: as of 600 GMT...

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Cool Video: Chandler at CNBC on Brexit

Click to see the video. I had the privilege to be on CNBC’s Trading Block show to discuss how the market is positioned for the UK referendum.  The markets are strongly anticipating the UK to vote to stay in the EU, even though polls remain very tight. Given that leveraged participants and speculators have rallied sterling more than nine cents from last week’s lows.   This makes us wary of the risk that...

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British Discontent About The EU: Only A Precursor To Unrest On The Continent

Authored by Peter Cleppe, originally posted at Euro Insight, If Brexit marks the beginning of the end for the European project, Brussels will take its share of the blame If Britain leaves the EU and if the reaction to Brexit causes years of uncertainty, the EU will reap what it has sowed. British discontent is only a precursor to unrest on the Continent, where populists from across the political spectrum feel they...

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FX Daily, June 22: Markets Consolidate as Table is Set for Referendum

There is a nervous calm in the capital markets today. The focus is squarely on tomorrow’s UK referendum. Brexit According to a BBC focus group, the leeave camp won the debate 39%-34%. The last polls show a contest that it too close to calls in that the results are within the margin of error.  The Financial Times poll of polls has it at 45%-44% in favor of Brexit. However, the betting markets appear to be telling a...

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Who Is The “European Movement” And Why The Answer May Change How You Vote On “Brexit”

Werner’s main points: The “EU Movement” has been created by the US Government and their secret services in order centralise their influence over Europe. Big business, banks, central banks and the IMF want to excercise their power through unelected officials. The free trade area with the EU is beneficial and will surely be maintained, even in the Brexit case. The election outcome is not so clear as it seems to the...

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