So bewegten sich die einzelnen Kryptowährungen in der Kalenderwoche 9: [embedded content] Tags: Featured,newsletter
Read More »Wer verbirgt sich hinter der Ethereum-Technologie?
Neben dem <a href="/devisen/bitcoin-dollar-kurs">Bitcoin</a> ist <a href="/devisen/ethereum-dollar-kurs" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ethereum</a> die wohl zweitwichtigste Kryptowährung auf dem Markt. Eigentlich nennt sich die mit der Ethereum-Plattform verbundene Kryptowährung jedoch Ether. Laut CoinMarketCap weist derzeit nur Bitcoin eine... [embedded content]...
Read More »Eine Analyse nach den Lehren von Milton Friedman
von Tobias Weidmann, Kantonsrat SVP/ZH, HettlingenErsterscheinung am 27. Februar 2025 im Zürcher Boten Der Nobelpreisträger Milton Friedman war einer der einflussreichsten Ökonomen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seine Theorien zu Staatsausgaben, Steuern und Inflation sind heute aktueller denn je. Besonders seine Warnung, dass höhere Staatseinnahmen niemals zu einem Abbau des Defizits führen dürfen, ist in Zürich Realität geworden. Ein Blick auf das Budget 2025 des Kantons Zürich zeigt: Die...
Read More »March 2025 Monthly
In recent weeks, while Russia's war on Ukraine continues and Beijing continues to harass its neighbors, the U.S. tariff threats and doubts that its defense commitments will be sustained, have emerged as the most significant challenge for businesses, investors, and policymakers. These tariffs are aimed at protecting domestic industries, forcing a re-shoring of production, and raising revenue. If, and when implemented, the tariffs can be expected to impact economic...
Read More »Is Amazon a Union-Busting Leviathan?
What is the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order....
Read More »Say “No” to Nuclear Power Interventions
An August 17, 2024 article, at, entitled, “A New Era for Nuclear Power in the US” describes US government funding and intervening to reopen closed or closing nuclear power electric generating plants (nuclear) to support their green transition policies from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).The IRA provides $6 billion financial support to nuclear power plants at risk of closure—$1.2 billion per year from FY2022 through FY2026. The new federal program...
Read More »CFNAI Index Suggests Economy Is Slowing
Inside This Week's Bull Bear Report CFNAI Index Suggests Economy Is Slowing How We Are Trading It Research Report - CAPE-5, A Better Measure Youtube - Before The Bell Market Statistics Stock Screens Portfolio Trades This Week February Weakness And The Outlook For March Last week, we discussed that continued bullish exuberance and high levels of complacency can quickly turn into volatility. Over the previous week, the market fell sharply following...
Read More »Tariff Increases vs. Tax Cuts
News feeds are stuffed full of reports and opinions about President Trump’s tariff increases on Mexico, Canada, China, and the EU. Then the add-on story is about the tax cut legislation—extending President Trump’s tax cuts to the coming years.The media is spinning the story as a political hot potato: can tariff increases make up for the future revenue losses from extending the income tax reductions from President Trump’s first term?This is a false scenario, and a...
Read More »Egalitarian Interventionists: Why Politicians Love “Equality”
It is difficult to find a seemingly more unobjectionable term that “equality” is the modern West and America. Equality is often understood to be an unqualified good and part of the American creed: “all men are created equal.”The main reasons politicians love “equality” are because it is supposedly unquestionable in its obvious justice, slippery in definition, and unachievable. Consider the shifting definitions. “Equality” can mean equality before the law or rule of...
Read More »Trump’s Slush Fund
In his February 3 Executive Order, President Trump directed his minions to begin planning for establishment of a “Sovereign Wealth Fund” that he originally touted in a speech to the Economic Club of New York last September. The fund would be on the order of $2 trillion, investing in things like manufacturing hubs, defense, and medical research. The order states:It is the policy of the United States to maximize the stewardship of our national wealth for the sole...
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